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Date Posted: 12:36:20 01/05/04 Mon
Author: Michelle(Neckonoff)Jenner
Author Host/IP: cache-rl02.proxy.aol.com /
Subject: Re: Star Value - Mid 80's
In reply to: Celeste 's message, "Star Value - Mid 80's" on 18:32:25 01/04/04 Sun

I worked at Star Value from July 85- June 86. I think for a lot of us it was our first job. Remember the code when there was a prospective shoplifter. And who can forget making $3.35 an hour. Ahh those were the days.

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[> Re: Star Value - Mid 80's -- Michelle(Neckonoff)Jenner, 12:36:21 01/05/04 Mon (cache-rl02.proxy.aol.com/

I worked at Star Value from July 85- June 86. I think for a lot of us it was our first job. Remember the code when there was a prospective shoplifter. And who can forget making $3.35 an hour. Ahh those were the days.

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[> [> Re: Star Value - Mid 80's -- Celeste, 15:14:27 01/05/04 Mon (

>I worked at Star Value from July 85- June 86. I think
>for a lot of us it was our first job. Remember the
>code when there was a prospective shoplifter. And who
>can forget making $3.35 an hour. Ahh those were the

I don't remember the exact code, but I just love having to say everything over those microphones we had. Weren't they fun? Or customer service when you had to have the customer fill out everything from their name ot their blood type in order to get store credit!!! I know, working there for about 20 hours a week and coming home with less than $100.00. How did we survive? And how much did we need to use on the pay phones outside. The days before having a cell phone...such a life!! LOL!! ;o)

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[> [> [> Re: Star Value - Mid 80's -- Celeste, 15:19:04 01/05/04 Mon (

>>I worked at Star Value from July 85- June 86. I think
>>for a lot of us it was our first job. Remember the
>>code when there was a prospective shoplifter. And who
>>can forget making $3.35 an hour. Ahh those were the
>I don't remember the exact code, but I just love
>having to say everything over those microphones we
>had. Weren't they fun? Or customer service when you
>had to have the customer fill out everything from
>their name ot their blood type in order to get store
>credit!!! I know, working there for about 20 hours a
>week and coming home with less than $100.00. How did
>we survive? And how much did we need to use on the
>pay phones outside. The days before having a cell
>phone...such a life!! LOL!! ;o)

I worked there approximately then as well. I know I was there in 1985. That's when I graduated and started going out with my now husband, Jeff. Unfortunately, I don't remember everyone's last name, but I do remember a couple of Michelle's. Funny, we all only worked there for a little while til we went on to other things, but it was such a fun time, you remember it fondly.

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