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Date Posted: 23:48:09 01/11/12 Wed
Author: Ed
Subject: say what ?

Not so sure I understand what Mark said ? I mean considering the folks that make the heads suggest 509-555. Pending bore, stroke, & compression. Maybe thier flow bench is screwewd up ? Seems to me that 360 cfm out of the box is "REALLY" more than what most BBC have the ability to use. Of course if you just need to tell all your buddies that you have a set of alum heads and they flow 360 cfm that is. But when your engine runs like crap then you can blame the heads, {for being too big}. Take the time and compair flow #'s, and your particular configuration with your builder or online at just about any head mfgr. site. My guy says they are too big. Then again whats he know after 40+ yrs. of building race engines. As well as racing a 4240 lbs. steel PU truck with A/C, P/S. cruise, full exhaust and a SBC? He can't be all that talanted, smart, or expierenced. All this time I thought he knew what he was doing considering that truck runs 8.80's all day long. But what do I know. I am sure Mark is correct. Just like his estimate on valves and springs. He must have been pricing titainium valves, Jesel shaft system, and K1 springs...LOL

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