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please | Fire | 09:33:13 10/08/03 Wed |
is that you snow-eyes | Fire | 15:21:10 10/08/03 Wed |
Re: Fire | Caleb | 15:59:33 10/08/03 Wed |
will you please bring a wepon. I mean theres got to be a few evil vermen. | Fire | 20:40:34 10/08/03 Wed |
is this all | Fire | 08:48:27 10/10/03 Fri |
Re: who... | Bragoon Quickflash | 12:48:16 10/11/03 Sat |
What speicies are you, Fire? | Aaron | 13:26:46 10/12/03 Sun |
Re: who... | Breezewing | 18:17:35 10/13/03 Mon |
When do we leave? | Bragoon Quickflash | 17:29:38 10/14/03 Tue |
Lets go already! (NT) | Bragoon Quickflash | 04:59:11 10/18/03 Sat |
Patience, Bragoon. We all know that you are itching for an adventure.... ::smiles:: (NT) | Aaron | 11:51:40 10/18/03 Sat |
::Paces impatiently:: Yeah, well so am I! ::Walks to Bragoon and places his paw on his shoulder:: I like your style, kid. ::Smiles and shows fangs:: (NT) | Caleb Lunar | 12:43:52 10/18/03 Sat |
Well, let's see.... ::Counts all who are in the group:: .... Five beasts, includin' me....... Seems like a good group size to start this quest, wouldn' cha say? And to be honest, I am gettin' a little restless..... (NT) | Aaron | 12:52:42 10/18/03 Sat |
Sorry, but has anybeast here not read Loamhedge, if you haven't, you should do something else! (NT) | Bragoon Quickflash the Mad Menace (I am an otter) | 13:42:02 10/18/03 Sat |
Caleb, what species are you? I hope you are a fox, because otherwise fangs are unnatural. (NT) | Bragoon Quickflash | 13:43:44 10/18/03 Sat |
Lets move out already!!! Oops, sorry, I did it again, didn't I? (NT) | Bragoon Quickflash | 05:51:42 10/19/03 Sun |
Thats good to know, Aaron! *Snorts* Could you hack into my bbrothers computer fer me? Okay, jes joking. Ehhh....NOW I'M ANNOYED!*grins sheepishly* I want to go (NT) | Bragoon Quickflash | 17:42:50 10/19/03 Sun |
OK, because everyone is wantin' to go so badly, let's give Fire untill Friday or Saturday to talk to us and/or get this journey started. If he doesn't come, we'll hold an election to decide who should lead us and/or if we should start another quest. I will be the election official if he doesn't come. Is that all right will all of ya? (NT) | Aaron | 13:36:08 10/22/03 Wed |
Two things. One. Thats a cool idea. Two. Fire is leading the vermin patrol so don't be hard on him. (NT) | Bragoon Quickflash | 16:18:15 10/23/03 Thu |
- Vermin patrol? Pardon my askin', but what's that? Oh, right..... self-explanitory. ::smiles, embaressed:: I never heard of it.... I joined this site about a month ago. But anyway, I didn't mean to be hard on him, it's just that you want to go so badly, it's gettin' a little annoyin', no offense or anythin'. So, where is he right now? 'Cause I can give him a little more time, that is, if you can be patient. ::Smiles:: (NT) -- Aaron, 18:23:45 10/23/03 Thu
me too | lunerwise | 17:41:23 10/23/03 Thu |
Okay, so I AM a little impatient, but the Vermin Patrol is cool. You should join! (NT) | Bragoon Quickflash | 13:00:38 10/24/03 Fri |
Ok, don't mind if I do! But about Fire, what should we do? Hold the election? (NT) | Aaron | 22:58:39 10/24/03 Fri |
Uh..... how do I get there??? | Aaron | 23:04:19 10/24/03 Fri |
I think we should vote. Who wants to elect a new leader?*Grumbles about being hungry and wanting to leave* (NT) | Bragoon | 06:10:30 10/25/03 Sat |
All right, it's settled! I will be the election official. The floor is open for nominations. (You CAN nominate yourself, though it's better you have a reason to.) (NT) | Aaron | 13:01:24 10/25/03 Sat |
Sorry, boys, but I'll have to abandon this mission. I've become uninterested in this quest anyway. It's taking too long to start. (NT) | Caleb Lunar | 13:06:36 10/25/03 Sat |
You won't be seeing me again, Aaron, or anyone else here. I'm leaving the Abbey. (NT) | Caleb Lunar | 13:09:13 10/25/03 Sat |
Caaleb, if you are leaving for Loamhedge, take me with you! If you are not, then I nominate myself because I am the most impatient to leave! (NT) | Bragoon | 16:21:09 10/25/03 Sat |
No........ I don't think he's going to Loamhenge........... ::sighs:: At any rate, any others? (Deadline: Thu.) (NT) | Aaron | 13:52:17 10/27/03 Mon |
........ Ok, that settles it! There are no more nominations, so, Bragoon, I declare you the leader! Now let's get this journey started, shall we? (NT) | Aaron | 17:31:30 10/30/03 Thu |
Let's stock up on provisions first! OOC: Look how hard it was for the real bragoon! At least we ain't got a hare, do we? (NT) | Bragoon | 04:11:03 10/31/03 Fri |
Provisions....... right........ food, canteen, ammunition......... what am I missing......? (NT) | Aaron | 23:27:09 10/31/03 Fri |
:: Looks around:: Uh.... Bragoon? That last post was on Halloween....... you haven't said anything.......... this is getting boring........... I'm feeling lonely......... Bragoon? (NT) | Aaron | 19:06:08 11/11/03 Tue |
You guys still haven't gone anywhere? Ha... I laugh at you. Last time I saw you guys, you couldn't decide when we should leave. (NT) | Voice in the shadows | 19:11:19 11/11/03 Tue |
:: Ears straighten up abruptly and he quickly looks behind him, pulling an arrow from his quiver instinctively, then stops himself:: .... And who might you be, stranger? (NT) | Aaron | 16:47:51 11/13/03 Thu |