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Date Posted: 18:02:54 08/27/08 Wed
Author: Three houses away !!!! (Who's next?)
Subject: Rotweiller kills Bear cub and small dog

This is a very feaful subject. This dog has gotten loose from it's owner all summer and now that these two major incidents have occurred the neighbors have been telling their stories of this dog. We all thought that it was a one time thing, it never happened before. I am at work all day and did not know that there has been repeated incidents to almost every neighbor on the block. This is a family neighborhood with many children and family pets. This dog has killed twice within weeks of each other. Has bitten a neighbors foot. The dog has chased neighbors into their homes. Chased several other cats and dogs in the vicinity. Next week school starts and children will be everywhere going to their bus stops. Just a few more weeks will have tricker treaters at everyones homes. Do we have a problem here? If we do not act now and another incident occurs can we live with the consequences? Beware 29 White Birch Tr. If ther ASCPA, the town or the neighbors do not act to lodge complaints against this dog your family pet or worse your loved one could be next. If an incident has occurred please contact the morris county SPCA or Jefferson Twp. police and have the incident documented. They cannot act on one complaint. SPCA 973-925-2670, Jeff Twp. 973-697-1300. Thank you.

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