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Tournament Board
Tournament Board
Tha Prophet LiLL Dirty Tournament Board
Fweestyle Kangz


Welcomez all fweestylerz,battlerz,o cypha'erz.Thiz iz tha mozt coldezt, throwed, crunkezt Tournament board. On thiz board we gotz evurythang from tha Cypha Tournamentz 2 tha Fweestyle Tournamentz.If u iz a fweestyler,battler,cypha'er, o juz someone who likez to watch otha rappaz battle it out in a Tournament than thiz iz tha placez 2 be.

1.NO Bootleggin o Copyin otha rappaz rhymez
2.No ADVERTISIN other BOARDZ/PAGEZ on this site.IF caught u will be BANNED,so have respect.

Don't forget to Bookmark this site!! you can do so by pressing "Ctrl and D"

People Have Been Biting rhymes from otha rappaz
The way they get away wit thiz iz cuze they copy an paste anotha rap from anotha site tha someone elze haz wrote befo.An we aint gonna know cuze we probably aint neva been on tha site befo.One day thiz might happen 2 u someone haz copied tha same rhyme u wrote a long ago anotha site. The best way i know to stop thiz iz to take a "Screenshot" of your postz, to do so make sure your printer is off and press the "Prt Scr (print screen) button, then paste it into ms paint or a paint type program and save as a gif or jpeg so u can have evidence that someone haz stole your rhyme

Fabolous - Not Give A F*ck
BSE MUSIC & Tha Prophet LiLL Dirty

Tha Prophet LiLL Dirty.... In thiz board u....
Battle Board Battle.
Fweestyle Board Fweestyle.
Cypha Board Post bout given topic.(changed every week)
Audio Board Audio battle o audio fweestyle
Poetry Board Post poems.
Videoz Watch videoz.
GameZ Play games.
Sign-Upz Sign-upz fo eventz.
Tournament Board Tournamentz will be held in hurr.

1st Annual Cypha Tournament

1st Annual Cypha Tournament Objectives


U should alweady know em


(paper,dollaz,skreal,cream,don't matta)


No Less Than 12 Barz
(ex. bla bla bla bla/
bla bla bla bla/




Tha Prophet LiLL Dirty
U n 2) e s T

IF u disobey these rule then u will automatically be disqualified...

Fweestyle Kangz
Tha Prophet LiLL Dirty South/Westside Home Page

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Tha 1st Annual Cypha Tournament.
Tha Prophet LiLL Dirty.... In thiz board u....
Battle Board Battle.
Fweestyle Board Fweestyle.
Cypha Board Post bout given topic.(changed every week)
Audio Board Audio battle o audio fweestyle
Poetry Board Post poems.
Videoz Watch videoz.
GameZ Play games.
Sign-Upz Sign-upz fo eventz.
Tournament Board Tournamentz will be held in hurr.


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