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Date Posted: 11:09:42 04/07/05 Thu
Author: david reamer
Author Host/IP: ppp-68-249-95-170.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net /
Subject: boy scout thing of past

trustworthy loyal helpful friendly courteous kind obedient cheerful thrifty brave clean reverent
alota bull
to make it in life if you trust the other guy your dead.
loyalty? we change jobs spouses every 7 years
helpful to ourselves but most dont know their neighbors names.
friendly .. means nothing more thanthe name of an ice cream place
courteous was not the guy who cut me off on the road while he was on his cell.
kind ? we are kinder with stray dogs than with people.
obedient ? we tell our kids to obey while we do whatever we want
cheerful only on fridays and in july befor vacation
thrifty? what about that gas guzzler suv we drive only to the mall>
brave? my kids aint going to irak.
clean? I saw you pee in the pool at the JCC
reverent? god exists only when theres a camera and someboys 13.. nex day? gone
maybe today we need to add a few like..
suspicious...a scout is on the look out for people wearing towels on their heads ..airplanes overhead.

the scouts were a past thing a time of innocense but today kids in scouts know that its just a game while at home they learn reality. now go ahead and tie that knot.. where the heck is that needed??

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