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Date Posted: 13:47:29 01/23/06 Mon
Author: marty haft
Author Host/IP: /
Subject: Re: Troop 157/friend of simons
In reply to: Raul Seruya 's message, "Re: Troop 157" on 22:42:39 05/15/02 Wed

> I was a member of Troop 157 in the early to mid 70's
>when Harvey Goldstein was scout master. We used to
>meet in the gym of PS115(next to the cafeteria)every
>Friday. Harvey was later replaced by Mr. Silverman. I
>believe it was approx. 1973 when we spent the whole
>summer in boy scout camp where we had to pitch, and
>live out of, our own tents. We would pick up our food
>from the cantene and bring it back to the campsite and
>cook it in this old,black oven. My older brother,
>Simon, was assistant scoutmaster by then, and the
>troop included Jack Levy, Todd(and his brother), Allan
>Margolies, Manny Collazo, David Becker, Harvey's son
>Cory(?), Mike, Bret, etc. We went to the movies and
>saw James Bond's "Live and Let Die". Fun times!!
>Specially the weekly patrol meetings where we would
>learn CPR and decide on menus for the upcoming weekend
>hikes upstate...freezing cold , open "Lean Twos",
>fires started with flint, "policing the area" for
>litter, and trying to get as many of those brass metal
>awards for our belt. Were we ever that young?

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