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Date Posted: 01:04:37 04/06/01 Fri
Author: Nancy Hamilton
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Subject: William Appleby b abt 1839 MD

I am looking for any information on the William Appleby who married Antonia (Tonie) Baumgaertner in Feb 1878 in Giddings Texas. In 1870, Wm 31 b. Md was living with Thos Hammond 21 b NY a restaurant keeper in Waco, TX. Later he may have been a butcher in Giddings TX. From a letter I have, it appears that William Appleby had 2 sisters, Lizzie and Ella, who had lived in NY and later in or near Giddings. I can find no other trace of them. After marrying Tonie, William had various financial problems, and went to Poncha Springs CO, where he was postmaster and ran a general store. Evidently, poor health forced him to go to California where he died in San Diego in 1899. He and Tonie had 3 daughters, Carrie Appleby (Mrs. George) Vann b. 1883, Annie Appleby (Mrs. John) Mundlein b. 1886 and Mary Wilhelmina Appleby b. 1896. The Mundleins left 3 children -- Marie (Huff), Jack and Blanche (Dougherty).

I am editing a 50-year series of diaries left by Tonie's sister Annie Baumgaertner Rousseau of Giddings Texas. I would appreciate information on William Appleby's family and descendants.

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