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Date Posted: 06:42:06 06/18/01 Mon
Author: Kelly Smith
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Subject: Catharine Applyby m: Samuel G. Smith of McKean co. PA

CATHARINE APPLEBY married Samuel G. Smith in PA.
He was born in 1805 in McKean County PA, Big Island.
I do not have a marriage date on them or her birthdate place or origin. I am looking for both of their parents and as much info as I can get on her.

She had one child Samuel Graves Smith that was born in PA and that lived to maturity. On her stone is listed two children that died in 1858 within two days of each other - one being 3 years old and the other being 6.

It states on her stone that she died in her 68th year of age. She died in 1876. Buried in LINN County , Buffalo TWp cemetery, Hiawatha, Iowa. This is located near Cedar Rapids, Ia. She lived in the Covington, Iowa area and has her descendents buried at a local Covington cemetery.

I would be her great great great granddaughter.
I have just begun searching for my roots and am being drawn to the women of our family especially. And wouldn't you know they'd be the hardest to find info on.
If anyone has a CATHARINE APPLYBY born in the early 1800's please contact me. Or if the Applyby / Smith and PA. connection sounds familiar e-mail me at

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