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Date Posted: 05:37:42 07/13/01 Fri
Author: Penny Hawkins
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Subject: Re: Marrianne Emily Appleby born St. Petersburg, Russia, USSR.
In reply to: Colin Appleby 's message, "Marrianne Emily Appleby born St. Petersburg, Russia, USSR." on 00:58:21 02/25/01 Sun

I was interested to read your message about APPLEBY's in Russia, and thought I would add some family hearsay which may have some connection with your story. My grandfather, John APPLEBY (born Gainsborough, Lincs. in 1894) used to talk about an Appleby ancestor (his grandfather?) who was a tailor by profession. Apparently this man had no sweat glands in his hands (!), and as a result was very much in demand for working on fine fabrics. I was told that he went to Russia to make dress uniforms for the Tsar's household. I've done a lot of genealogical research on other branches of my family, but haven't got to the Appleby's yet! All I can tell you is that my great-grandparents, (also) John APPLEBY and Betsy Ann COCKING, were married in Gainsborough in 1886. My understanding is that he was from somewhere else in Lincolnshire (Louth? Grantham? Sleaford?) - beyond that everything is a blur. Would love to hear from anyone who thinks they might be connected (and anything at all more about the Appleby's in Russia!)

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  • Re: Marrianne Emily Appleby born St. Petersburg, Russia, USSR. -- Colin Appleby, 16:55:39 11/26/01 Mon

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