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Subject: Crepes

Flagg of DD
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Date Posted: 22:37:51 06/30/07 Sat

Good day mateys!Do you know what would be a nice breakfast treat?Crepes of course!

2/3 cup flour
2 tbsp sugar
2 eggs
1 cup of milk
2 tbsp butter, melted

Step 1: Mix all the dry ingedients together in a bowl.
Step 2: Add in the eggs,milk and butter.
Step 3: Whisk till the batter is nice and smooth.
Step 4: Put some butter in a frying pan and heat it up.
Step 5: Pour in half a ladle to a ladle of batter depending on how thick you want it.
Step 6: After a minute check if the underside is golden brown and easy to lift, if it is flip it over.If not let it cook for a but longer.
Step 7: After about 30 seconds check the crepe again.If it is nice and brown take it out of the pan.
Step 8: Add your favourite toppings and enjoy! :D

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