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Date Posted: 13:41:45 10/30/03 Thu
Author: Rick Babington
Subject: TT Cup Points Calculation


If I am not mistaken, all SoCal TT's since Oct. 1st have seen an increase in participation compared to last season. I would like to think this is due to the formation of the TT Cup, and I fully support your efforts.
I would like to offer a solution to the points issue brought up by Eugene Poyerena concerning Fiesta Island:
At fiesta island, separate out the Cat 1/2/3 riders from their respective age group results and award them points amongst themselves toward the TT Cup. You already do this for the other TT's. Example: I raced 35+ at Piru, I am 44, I was given TT Cup Points based on my time compared to the other 40-49yr olds at this event. This method would give the age groups a real shot at points "5-deep", whereas the current system precludes some age group riders from securing any points in the TT Cup by allowing the CAT 1/2/3 riders to take away points from that age group, and it gives CAT 1/2/3 riders a chance to secure the same amount of points as one of their competitors for the same event!!
I can not see how this can be interpreted as "fair play".
Also, please eliminate the multiplier at all events, thus leveling the playing field. Or, designate one date at each of the four venues as a "double points" event. Let the event promoters decide which date is best for them.

I am assuming that the motivation behind the formation of the TT CUP is one of increased participation, which is what we all want, so let's make it fair and equitable for all of the athletes who are supporting this program.

Thank's for your time,
Rick Babington
USA Cycling Elite Coach
& TT CUP Participant

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