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Subject: [*]Race.Against.Myself[*]

Kiba and Kendra
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Date Posted: 09:28:33 03/28/04 Sun

Name: Kiba
Color: Chestnut
Age: 3 Years
Gender: Mare
Personalitly: Kiba is a strong, athletic mare. More than anything she simply wants to run. Her heart is not always focused on the finish line, but her will is strong and her visions are clear. Her ground manners are rather well. Like all mares she can get possesive and if anything a bit tempermental. In short, befriend her and you'll never be let down.
Conformation for racing: Nicely built. Long, powerful legs. Sleek, slender body. Sloping shoulders. Deep heart and girth. Powerful quarters.
Stamina: 0 as required.
Password: The Black Stallion.


Name: Kendra
Color: Grey
Age: 2 Years
Gender: Filly
Personalitly: Kendra is an overexcitable, rather-hyper filly. The world interests her far more than anything else and she will continuously be found with her muzzle pressed to foreign objects, investigating everything around her. She has a strong will and will not stand for being pushed around. With this in mind, she has a strong sense of competition.
Conformation for racing: Long legs. Built for agility and strength. Lengthy body, sloping shoulders and quarters. Well aligned hocks.
Stamina: 0 as required.
Password: The Black Stallion.

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