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Subject: [Sweet Nostalgia]

Grim Reaper
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Date Posted: 11:20:52 05/09/04 Sun

Name: Grim Reaper (aka, Reaper, or Grim)
Age: 6
Colour: Flaxen Chestnut
Breed: Straight Egyptian Arabian (SEA)
Gender: Stallion
Sire: Casualty
Dam: Eternal Paradise
Damsire: Fatality
Personality: Through this stud's colt-hood he was fairly treeted, but left alone much of the time, seperated too early from his dam. He is a loner, unwilling, or just unable to make friends with equines and humans alike. He is extrodinarily strong-willed, coming close to death countless times and surviving to stand before you. He is a proud creature, his limits unreached and his mind calculating and quick. He is a fast learner, but to prideful to take up bad habits. Not aggressive, he is protective, and though he picks his fights carefully, he is more likely to save himself then you. Thought by many to be uncapable of a bond of friendship, he is not gallent and will readily undermine your demads should he see fit. Said to have a problem with athority, he comes from a bad home and might or might not settle into takeing orders from a rider again.
Conformation: Beautiful lines and excellent tone are a gift of his dam, an world-class dressage star and highly-saught after broodmare. His long legs are from his sire's side however, and though narrow, are decievingly strong and sturdy, giving him great agility and manoverability.
Vices: None
Health/Lameness: Prone to colic. He has had severe attacks in the past which have come on from stress and in one case extreme aggitation. Be cautious; this stallion should not race, but would make a good pacer horse and stud. His colic is not genetic (meaning he cannot pass it on to Foals)
Training: Racing in early year (2-3); won every match he was in his 2nd year, but a severe bout of colic knockedhim out of the running at the age of three. Trained extensivly in dressage; world class title won in his 4th and 5th years. Started jumping late in his fifth year, but was again struck down by colic; twice in three months. Stopped jumping due to a mild hawk injury (completely healed) and returned focas to Dressage. Owner sold him due to bankrupcy.
Sire Status: Regestered SEA stud, carries heterozygous black gene. Has three foals; Wraith(Colt, Yearling), Necrosis( Filly, 3 years), The Red Dragon(Filly, 1 month). All are regestered and free of desease. Live foal guarantee. Breeding to pure (arabian) mares only. Comes from line of exceptional and world-class (top ten stallions) Sires and Dams. All foals are showing great potential in the show ring and on the race course ( Necrosis; winner of three international endurance races and two National Dressage Clases). No grey foals (does not posess grey ressesive allel). Black chestnut or Bay foals only.

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