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Subject: [ Rustic Leather ]

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Date Posted: 16:58:04 06/02/04 Wed

Name: Alec
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Personality: This man, and a man he is, is what can be classicly (though loosely) described as a true cowboy. He is tough, stubborn and bred to lonelyness. He values his 'alone time', and will not hesitate to give you the brush off should you intrude on his space. A little arrogent, but subtly so, he can be quite a gentleman and down-right charming should he see fit, and lets face it; he's just plain gorgeous. Far from cockey, when you get right down to it he is rather shy and becomes uncomfortable around women very easily. But like most men he has his pride and can become unbelievably stubborn if it is involved.
History: Born and raised on a rural farm in the hills of Ireland, he retained his devilish temper and mischivious grin when he and his family immigrated to America soon after his 14th birthday. There he learned the sultry trades of 'american' fighting and riding, becoming a cowboy at heart and taking to the open range like he'de lived there all his life. Shortly before his turned 18, his father and mother died, a week apart and left him to fend for himself with nothing bt a small stack of money saved (they were deeply in debt). He journied back to his homeland of Ireland in the middle of his 20th year, and decided to travel europe shortly after his arival. He came upon the desert tribes while in search of Arabia.

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