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Subject: °honesty is rare°

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Date Posted: 21:12:19 07/02/04 Fri

°Call Me° Necromancer
°Paint Me° Light Bay
°Give Me Heritage° Arabian
°Give Me Life° 2 years
°Curse Me° Stallion
°Learn My Past° Born purely wild, he lived free for the first year of his life. When a fire struck his home, his herd was caught and was planned to be relocated. The herders spotted him and decided he should be kept and trained to become a racer. His training went terribly. He was mistreated and was ran in terrible conditions, causing him to sprain a tendon. When he sprained his tendon, he was thought of as useless, so he was sent away to be sold.
°Know Me° Hot tempered, he is not afraid to fight anyone or anything that comes in his way. In his mind, it's his way or no way. He refuses to obey anyone. Like any stallion, he has much pride, and a loss in a race or a loss in a fight hurts him deeply.
°Give Me Form° Although born wild, he was born stocky, but developed into a fine piece of horseflesh. His head has a perfect dish to it, with intelligent eyes, a broad forehead, and small ears. His legs are long and powerful, and his frame is light. His only fault is that at a young age, he sprained a tendon, and it never fully healed. With some care, it'll seem like he never sprained it at all.
°Give Me Problems° His hot temper causes him to bite and kick. Keep him busy, because if he becomes too bored he will begin to crib and weave.
°Give Me Breath° 0
Password: The Black Stallion

°Call Me° Jesse
°Paint Me° White, with a slight tan
°Give Me Life° 15 years
°Curse Me° Female
°Give Me Hair° Brunette
°Give Me Eyes° Blue
°Make Me Tall° 5'6",still growing
°Give Me Gravity° 120
°Know Me° Born and raised on a farm, she is an extremely hard worker who will go at any length to complete a chore. She is also kind and generous, helping anyone and anything. Jesse is patient, yet shy around most humans. Her preferred company is animals.
şLearn My Past° She was born on a ranch in Montana. Around horses all of her life, she developed a special bond with the horses she came in contact with. Her parents gave her her own horse, a Quarter Horse, when she was just six years old. When a mountain lion killed her precious horse, she was hit hard by the news, and became a very angry person. She began taking out her anger by taking karate and kickboxing classes, and in doing so learned gymnastics. Her parents put her into an anger management program, which calmed her and returned her to how she was before her horse was killed. Her parents gave her another Quarter Horse, one that she loved with all of her heart. However, her parents lost the ranch, and so Jesse ran away, going overseas to come to Arabia.
Password: The Black Stallion

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hair is blonde,not brown (NT)Jesse08:59:18 07/03/04 Sat

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