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Subject: Join

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Date Posted: 14:59:04 07/29/04 Thu

Name:Badi'A(Unprecedented, Amirable, Unique)ARABIC
Color:dapple grey
Personalitly:This is a unique mare. She is interested in the world around her. She has the mind of a great philisopher. She loves to think about the world and loves to learn.She is quite loveable for this reason. Her bad days are few and far between.
Conformation for racing:Good she is a bit sluggish so she needs to be worked regularly. She has the mind attitude and body to race though. She is long legged and very slim so she can move fast and silently. She is sure footed and willing to please. All the great qualities of a racehorse.
Password:the black stallion


Name:Kafwain (The Man in Arabic)
Personalitly:This stallion is mainly single minded and is only listening to himself most of the time. He is independent and though is good natured he is ignored because of the way he looks at life. He is very laid back except for when raiding or racing.He gets attached to few but when he does his friendships last.
Conformation for racing:Excelent. Great fourm and long legs for huge fast strides.good raid horse too.
Password:The black stallion


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