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Subject: Character By Chelle (tm)

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Date Posted: 07:47:27 08/02/04 Mon

Name: Liela
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8
Weight: 120 lb
Hair colour: Blond
Eye colour: Green
Personality: Coming from a large city in America, Lie is a classic example of a city girl. With a love of fasion, luxury and all things shiny, it is rare to see this girl dirty or even working for that matter. Stubbourn and at times pig-headed, she sees only her point of view and is unwilling to compramise if she doesn't get her way. Despite this, her life as made her a master of deception and she is able to conceal her true emotions and feeling in favour of putting on a show. Used to getting her own way, she will employ all manner of deceptive tactics to get it; ranging from innocent victim to sultry seductrice. Men beware, this girl is liable to steal your heart and never give it back, espessialy if you are wealthy or powerfull.

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