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Subject: Horse by Chelle (tm)

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Date Posted: 14:00:03 08/11/04 Wed

Name: Blitz
Age: 6
Breed: Russian Arabian
Gender: Mare
Colour: Grey
Height: 15.3
Sire: Galmour
Grandsire: 1980
Dam: Ballroom Romance
Damsire: Gentleman in Tails
Personality: Strong and hardy like her ansestors and their predesesors before them, she can with-stand the harshest of desert climates and still maintain elegance and poise. A no nonsence mare, she has an attitude that has saved her countless times from both capture and illness, and will power stronger then any stallion. She is a fierce fighter, given to trickery and playing dirty, esspecially when her foal's life is at stake. She has a noticable problem with athority, and will be a struggle to control, but has a kind disposition with not prevoked.
Conformation: With a large build characteristic of her breeding, she has correct structure to the smallest degree. Smooth lines and gracefull (not exagerated) curves give this mare a fluid-like appearence, even when she has a jostleing trot and rocky canter. Her legs, though shorter then the egyptian's are stronger and less suseptable to breakage, while her back is longer and broader. This altogether lowers her center of gravity, giving her a sence of balance unique to only her.
Stamina: 6 (wild)

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