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Subject: character by Sam

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Date Posted: 13:40:27 09/15/04 Wed

¤As the dust cleared from the barren land, and as numerous equines scattered from the area, he rose silently from what many had thought would be his grave. No movement was made from the surrounding creatures as he did rise, their eyes all fixed upon him. He had of course been thought dead, but he was far from it. Cuts were scattered along fine pelt, blood trickling from each one down to the desert sand. Shaking the dust from his coat, his limbs began to move once again, carrying him into an unknown land, unaware of what it would hold for him¤

¤Name¤ Cold
¤Color¤ Chestnut
¤Age¤ 5 years
¤Gender¤ Stallion
¤Personality¤ He's just what his name is, cold. He seemingly has no heart, now killing any stallion that comes in his path. His suffering at a young age blackened his heart, and it would definitely not change. He cares only for his herd, and will defend it with his life. He does not get attached to his mares at all, for that would cause him to suffer even more if one died or anything. To him, his herd is not a family, just his property. His gaze is as cold as his heart, and it can practically shoot a hole through your gut if he should look upon you.
¤History¤ As a young colt in the wild, he was always picked on by his older half brothers, constantly being the one that was beaten up. He was dropped from the herd when he was barely a year old, the lead stallion seeing him as a danger to the herd because he was never one to keep up. He learned much while living a life on his own, realizing he had to fight to stay alive. He joined the herd of bachelors, which led to a giant downfall for him. While searching for food during a very long dry spell, he was surrounded with his fellow bachelors by humans, being rounded up into a paddock. Because of his small stature at the age of 2, he was presumed the weakest, and thought of as easy to train. After being kicked out of the herd, he had decided he would never be pushed around again. During his time at the training facility, three saddles were torn, five bridles broken, and nine human bones were broken. When they last attempted to break him, two men were killed when he went on a rampage, attacking any that came into his path. He was soon set loose to the same place he was caught, his instincts to capture a herd soon kicking in. In just three months, he had acquired 15 mares and 9 foals, making one of the largest herds in his area. As his herd grew larger and stallions were left alone, stallions soon began coming in groups, until it ended up in one giant fight in the desert. Outnumbered 8 to 1, he was defeated, his mares all taken once he was presumed dead. But as he rose from that fight, it was known that he had yet to meet his match.
¤Conformation for racing¤ Although he was short at a young age, he grew quickly, reaching at least 15.3 hands. His movements are like a cat's; silent and graceful. His muscles are well toned, and he was a bit more of a bulky look to him, giving him an advantage over most light framed arabians. He is in no way weak, and just his mere appearance scares off the more skittish. Indeed, he is an evil thing to look at. Gifted with speed, he can outmanuever most other stallions easily.
¤Stamina¤ The desert has toned his large lungs well, alowing him to run a good distance before tiring.
¤Password¤ The Black Stallion

¤And now that his story is known, it will grow as he wreaks even more havoc upon this new place. Beware, he is coming¤

Character © sam

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