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Subject: Joining

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Date Posted: 09:56:36 10/11/04 Mon

I'm joining a couple new horses to get the game moving again. I hope this'll help.

Name: Atheling
Breed: Bedouin Arabian
Gender: Stallion
Age: 4
Colouring: Dappled Grey
Disposition: A rare and ancient breeding of desert arabian, this stud is wise beyond his time. The Bedouin prized intelligence and wisdom in their mounts trusting in their powerful steeds to take them safely through the dessert. Though, like his close cousin, the Egyptian, the Bedouin arabian is a solid mass of energy and nerves.
Conformation: Speed and stamina was only second to brains in the carefull breeding program of the Bedouin, for the desert mounts had to've been able to withstand the harshest of climates and most terific of storms. The deadly temper of the desert has left the Bedoin with an outstanding conformation of sleek lines and hard muscle. A determining quality for the breeding of a stud is the power of his haunches and shoulder, of which this stud has plenty.
Stamina: To Be Decided

Name: Lyons
Age: 2
Breed: Arab du Paris (Paris Arabian)
Gender: Mare
Colouring: Grey
Disposition: An uncommon, though not rare breed of arabian, the Paris arabian dipped into obscurity soon after the Revolution, and the arival of the modern thuroughbred. Bred more for elegance then speed and strength, these horses were focased around their personailties, and bred for the best. The Typical persona of the Arab du Paris was a calm, maluable type of obedience, and given the right breeding, an attractive edge of spirit.
Conformation: Bred for beauty and elegance, the Paris breed is very strict on conformation. Horses must have high whithers, a lengthy neck and an all around preportioning of 3 to 1.
Stamina: To be decided.

Name: Joramir
Age: 4
Breed: Egyptian Arabian
Gender: Stallion
Colouring: Black
Disposition: Like all stallions of his breeding, he is high-energy and low maintainence. Though easily excited, and easier to anger, the Egyptian arabian is a collected breed, wisened and hearty in mind and spirit.
Conformation: Of lovely preportioning, the Egyptian breed is of a longer, slinkier type. Though covered with hard muscle and almost unbreakable bone, the Egyptian Arabian is that of an elegant and fluid body type.
Stamina: To Be Decided

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