Napoli's Bakery -- Lauren, 15:12:00 06/04/06 Sun (ool-44c33b4d.dyn.optonline.net/
My grandparents owned Napoli's Bakery in the early 50's, on Rockaway Parkway. I'm searching for some old pictures or stories. I thought maybe the Canarsie Courier would have something in thier archives. My Nana Adele (Lily) passed away 5 years ago, so the stories are buried with her. If anyone has a memory they would like to share, please do... I heard my Nana was very generous with the samples.
Lauren Moretti
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- OLD Canarsie -- Peggy Schuster Hessemer, 18:35:45 04/22/05 Fri (cache-mtc-ab08.proxy.aol.com/
I was born in Canarsie in 1929. My name is Peggy Schuster Hessemer. I married Phil Hessemer in the old Holy Family Church in 1952 by Msgr. Genoa. Our first son, Philip, was babtized in the new church. I grew up on 91st St. and Ave. M.went to PS115, graduated in 1943. Remember Mrs. McHenry, Ms. McKenna, Dolan, Kelly and Johnson. The only male teacher was Mr. Finkel. My two cousins were Bob and Don Rowland (they are both deceased). We moved to LI in 1961 before the big change in Canarsie.
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- Canarsie Real Oid Timer -- Tom Clougher (PS 115 Trouble maker !), 16:53:52 11/04/13 Mon (99-55-196-191.lightspeed.iplsin.sbcglobal.net/
Havent seen any recent years posted.But just in case any real oldies are still alive and happen to check out this site feel free to send me hello.
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- Does anybody remember the Spinardi's -- Joe, 10:30:39 12/26/12 Wed (pool-74-108-141-150.nycmny.fios.verizon.net/
Trying to find out if anybody remembers Bella, Charlie or Josie Spinardi.
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- A kid from CANARSIE -- pAUL vIVERITO, 14:38:20 10/02/11 Sun (
A Kid from Canarsie
A Kid from Canarsie
Canarsie, the home of the Canarsie Indians and me. Of course not at the same time. Canarsie was a small town in the borough of Brooklyn on the shores of Jamacia Bay. It was an isolated little town and when I was growing up there it was uninfluenced by Television or the Metropolitan areas surrounding it. It was at an end of an era that I grew up there. Golden City, an amusement park on the scale of Coney Island was in its last throes of being, only remnants remained. Canarsie was a place that any kid from Brooklyn that lived there did so with great imagination, wits and guts.
And so it was!
Canarsie was the end of the line for the BMT elevated railroad. At the end of that line there was a loop which ran directly in front of the station where the trolley cars could turn around and then transport people to the end of its line which was near the shore line of Jamacia Bay. It was originally meant to transport the large volumes of people that came to Canaries to visit Golden City amusement park. The trolley tracks ran between the houses to it destinations, not as most Trolley did, where the tracks were laid in the middle of a main street. Needless to say, a kid from Canarsie could put his imagination to work in many unthought-of ways. Putting pennies on the track to have the trolley run over it, was an ingenious idea, at least so we thought. The trolley would flatten out the penny to the size of a half dollar and thinner than a dime. Of course the only thing we accomplished was to make the penny worthless and in those days a penny could buy much more than it would today. We got our pennies worth back in other ways from the trolley car, we would hitch a ride on the back of the trolley and ride it down to the shore to go swimming in Jamacia Bay.
Of course most of our exciting times were during the summer when we did not have to go to school but that left a lot of free time on our hands. As our families did not have a lot of money in those days we had to find ways to occupy our time without any money to spend. The local dumps! A free treasure trove of STUFF. One of our forays was to the railroad dump, the one behind the BMT station that I mentioned above. There were piles of GOOD STUFF there. One of the treasure items we found were thousands of wooden slats that were about an inch and a half wide and one quarter of an inch thick. We had no idea what we could do with them but we went back home, which was only about a half mile away, and got our wagons. Now these werent little red wagons, they were wagons we built from Stuff we found at various places around the neighborhood, not all the wheels were necessarily of the same size but they were sturdy wagons because we used them to carry peoples groceries home from the grocery store. Of course we charged for this service, if I remember right it was more of a donation than a charge, but we didnt get rich at it but it did put a few pennies in our pockets for Wings singles (cigarettes) at a penny a piece and other goodies from the candy store .
Back to the good stuff. We brought wagon loads of the wooden slats home from the dump and dumped them in a friends back yard. We put our heads together to decide what to do with them. Well, it took us more than a week to reach a consensus, but we all agreed that we should build a club house. Now the imagination comes into the picture. How are we going to put it together we had no tools or nails. Again we put our heads together (keep in mind that these head were maybe 8 to ten years old). We decided to weave the slats together in panels and then assemble the panels to form a box like structure. The club house was built with an old rug draped as a door. The clubhouse was about four feet square. The first event in the new clubhouse was a treat gained by one of our members , Im sure in some nefarious way. It was Feenamint Chicklets, for those of you not familiar with Chicklets, they were candy coated little squares of gum. So we had a celebration and each had a substantial share of the Feenamint gum. The gum was enjoyed by all, until that evening and all of the next day. Feenamint was a laxative in gum form, needless to say none of us were in any condition to do anything that next day.
We made a lot of use of our new clubhouse but when it started to approach the Fall season we felt that the clubhouse would need some kind of heater to keep us warm. We went to the dump and found an empty five gallon can, which we thought would make a good container to build a fire in. At the time we didnt notice, or didnt pay any attention, to the fact that the can had originally been used to hold some kind of roofing material or tar. We brought the can back to the clubhouse and set it in a back corner , fortunately we didnt place it in a position that would block the door way. We had plenty of kindling wood from the slats we built the clubhouse from. It really wasnt cold enough to light a fire but we wanted to test it so we broke up some of the wood slats a with some paper we but it in the pail and lit it. It developed such an amount of heat that we couldnt stay in the clubhouse so we all got out choking and coughing, almost immediately after we got out of the clubhouse the remnants of whatever the can held originally must have melted and caught fire. The flames flared up right through the top of the clubhouse. (note: The clubhouse was not close to any other structure or flammable material). Quickly we knocked the clubhouse down and stated throwing dirt on the fire, which we were able to put out right away but not before we created a lot of smoke in the area and the surrounding buildings. The parents of those of us that lived in the immediate area became aware of what happened and we all were put under house arrest. Needless to say that was the end of the clubhouse.
It was only a matter of days now before we had to go back to school but we were hearing rumors about a great dump that was about two miles from where we lived. We couldnt pass up this opportunity. We hiked the two miles or so hauling our wagons to find the dump, after some searching and asking passers by, we found the dump. Now a days we would consider this a high tech dump. I didnt mention it before but these were not garbage dumps they were trash dumps. Without going into all of the details of our search we found two items that were far better than GOOD STUFF. There were these strange looking canisters that were about a foot long and four or five inches in diameter, round on both ends with a valve at one end. By shaking the canisters we found that there was some content in them. We loaded up about twenty of them in our wagons. Not knowing then what these canisters held in store for us in the upcoming days.
The other item we found were long sort of octagonal in shape and about three four inches in diameter, 12 feet long with four inch inch pins on both ends. They were tent poles. We loaded about ten of then on our wagons also. As it would turn out these pole would be in some respect be our savior in the days to come. The trip home was difficult as we had hundred of pounds of stuff we were hauling and the wheels of our wagons were groaning and squeaking. We made it home sometime near dark and dumped our haul in an empty lot next to my grandfathers house.
The empty lot next to my grandfathers house was a favorite place of ours, we played war with our toy lead soldiers there, we built small fires there and roasted Mickies (potatoes), and as I said earlier we dumped our last haul from the dump there also. As the next day arrived we were all curious to find out what the canisters were that we brought home. The valve at the end of the canisters intrigued us, we opened one slightly and some smelly gas hissed out. Again a kids imagination goes to work. I want to remind you that we were only about ten years old. What do we do with the canisters. I want to write for the record here and now, WE WERE THE FIRST TO DEVELOP THE BALLISTIC MISSILE. Again putting our heads together. I have to say without bragging, that how we would use the canisters and how we built the clubhouse were my ideas. We thought that if we got a stove pipe, dug a shallow whole, put one end of the stove pipe in the hole and had set as if it were a cannon. Then build a fire in the hole and slid one of the canisters into the stove pipe valve first, the heat would cause the contents to expand and the pressure would blow the valve off of the canister. What would happen then, we had no idea, but we found out. We built the fire under the stove pipe, put a canister into the stove pipe valve first so that the valve was at the bottom into the fire. We Waited--------------------------.
If I remember correctly it took ten minutes or more before anything happened. When it happened we were overjoyed, the valve did blow off the end of the canisters and the canister came out of the stove pipe like a rocket with whatever it was blasting out in a stream behind it. Of course without gyros to guide it, it flew on a very erratic trajectory, but it flew and disappeared some where over the surrounding houses, we know not where. We continued to fire off at least a half dozen more and noticed that the visibility in the area was down to about three feet. Unfortunately the last one we fired off, because of its erratic trajectory, took a sharp right turn and crashed into the side of grandfathers house. My grandfather came out to see what created the noise inside his house and when he seen what we were doing he looked like he was ready to kill us. I didnt run because I would have to eventually go home. Anyway, to make a long story short my grandfather was the type of man that would build anything he needed, rather than buy it so I offered him the poles we brought back from the dump. As the canister didnt do any damage to his house he accepted, gave me a swift kick in the butt and told us to stop doing what we were doing. We eventually found out that the canisters contained DDT so our area was devoid of Mosquitoes for some time to come.
Winter finally arrived and school was back in session. Winter and snow in those years was different that it is now. First of all we got much more snow more often than they do now, second the roads werent plowed the snow was packed down by the vehicles riding over it. This resulted in a hard packed icy surface on the roads. The Flexible Flyer sled was the premier sled of the time, I didnt own one nor did any of my other friend, we all had some off brand name of sled. As there werent any hills around we used our sleds by running with them and belly flopping down on the sled and go as far as it would take us and we did this over and over again. It was tiresome and didnt get us very far, so imagination or invention, however you want to look at it we had to come up with another way. As I said the roads werent plowed and they were covered with hard packed snow, ice or bare spots. In those days cars used chains on there tires almost every time it snowed. CARS! That was the answer to our problem. If when a car stopped at a red light and we snuck up behind it and held on to its bumper (which you could do back then ) we could go as afar as we wanted to go. We couldnt necessarily go where we wanted to go so If we were going to far or not where we wanted to go we would either wait for the next stop light to let go or just let go and glide to the side of the road. All was going well until we realized that we could get more than one or two sleds on a car by hooking our feet into the front of a sled behind us. We ended up with a train of sleds behind us, to the point that the car would only skid its wheels and not be able to move. The driver would get out and chase us all off ,but as soon as he got back it the car some of us would hitch back on again. It made for great fun and excitement during the winter months.
There are pages and pages more that can be written about a kids life in Canarsie, playing stick ball, or kick the can or so many other things that I swear, I believe the kids in Canarsie invented. It was a great life for a kid in canarsie, poor or not, we learned to use our imagination, invent as a result of necessity, learn to be mechanics and builders, learn the hardships of life and how to overcome them, and on and on. The kids of today are unfortunate that they arent forced by necessity to learn how to get along in life.
Paul L. Viverito http//lindasfloridaphotos.com
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- Old Canarsie 30s & 40s -- Donald Olsen, 07:20:25 05/13/11 Fri (cpe-74-72-64-98.nyc.res.rr.com/
I remember Cattys cleaner I took the Post Office test with one of the Cattys. About the stickball thing being started in Canarsie I dont think this was so because most of the streets in the 30s 40s were unpaved and this was not good grounds for stickball
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- RE: Canarsie -- gloria valenti denaro, 07:18:09 11/30/10 Tue (NoHost/
I remember the grocery store mr. Bologna on Flatlands Ave. I lived across the street from them. I also knew some of the people you mentioned. Good old Canarsie, Gloria
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- The old gang -- Adrienne Richter, 21:12:00 02/11/09 Wed (ool-44c09b14.dyn.optonline.net/
Did you live on E 93ed St....... I lived on Rose St...
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- The old gang! -- Don Singer, 11:53:33 05/12/01 Sat (ppp277-nosp1.i-55.com/
Looking for old friends from the P.S.114 class of January,1949. Been looking for the past year...no luck so far.
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- looking for old school friends -- Gloria (Valenti) Denaro, 10:34:29 03/09/03 Sun (cache-dl07.proxy.aol.com/
Where are children (now seniors) from P.S. 114 around, 1946 or 1947. Does anyone know, Frank Dantona, we used to walk home from school together, (he was a nice guy). What about Frances Pepitone, Josephine Mazza, Theresa Cocchiola, Marilyn White, Catherine Bruno, Gaspare Marone,(all classmates). I lived in Canarsie up until 1989, now live in N.J. My husband, Jim Denaro, died in 1992. I have 2 children and 4 grandchildren. Canarsie was so wonderful back in the old days. Remember the victory gardens we used to plant on the school grounds. Any girls remember miss Benton the cooking teacher. (she was sure tough). I used to live on Flatlands ave. and E. 86 st. The Valenti's, the family had 4 girls and 5 boys, anyone remember us. We used to play baseball in the empty lots next to our house. Cleto Ardito had a grocery store right next to us, and remember Mr. Frank, the other grocery store. Anyone remember the Log Cabin, the ice cream parlor on Flatlands Avenue, it was so cute.
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- Canarsie Stick Ball -- Paul Viverito, 06:45:31 01/21/09 Wed (
I've been reading about the game of stickball in "Street Play" and I haven't seen any mention of stick ball in Canarsie. It's my contention that the game of Stick Ball was started in Canarsie. I remember playing stickball on the corner of 94th St. and Conklin Ave back in 1940 or 41. I'd be interested in any comments from others that played stick ball in Canarsie. There is a "Stick Ball Hall of Fame" and at present, as far as I know Canarsie nor anyone from Canarsie has been given any credit for starting or being involved in the game of Stick Ball.
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- Memories from '48, '49 -- Dalmacio A. Fenwick, 00:09:30 08/07/01 Tue (spider-tl071.proxy.aol.com/
This website is a real shocker. Can't believe this. I remember Canarsie with reeds, quicksand, the dump about a mile away where we gathered metal watch bands, tree huts. How about Mrs. McDermott at PS 242 and the Sisters at Holy Family and don't forget Father ? who always wanted more from that cruet with the wine. Flatlands Avenue
Hope all of you are doing well for yourselves and have great families: James Noble, Joyce Evans, Alan Birnbaum, Timothy Collins, Steve and Mike Calavetta and all the rest. James, remember, we first watched TV at your house.
Say hello if any of you see this. - Best wishes.
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- Our Lady of Lotreto -- Donny, 07:56:48 10/05/08 Sun (cache-mtc-ad10.proxy.aol.com/
We are looking for people from the Our Lady of Loreto parish on Sackman St. Brooklyn.
Many people from Our Lady of Loreto relocated to Canarsie.
For some of you younger folks, please ask your parents if they were from Our Lady of Loreto.
We are having another reunion and we are trying to locate anyone from the Our Lady of Loreto parish.
Over 700 people attended the last reunion.
If you know anyone from the Our Lady of Loreto parish, please have them contact me at pi4dom@aol.com
or visit the Our Lady of Loreto website at
Thank you
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- Cattabiani Family E.93rd St. anyone...?? -- P. Catt., 06:16:53 10/27/03 Mon (alb-24-195-122-185.nycap.rr.com/
Both my parents Graduated from P.S. 114 mid to early 40's,
Maybe someone recalls Uncle Al's ' Catty's Cleaner's ' ?
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- looking for -- phyllis, 12:26:53 08/13/06 Sun (cache-mtc-ab10.proxy.aol.com/
looking for the INGRASSA family that lived on remsen ave anyone out there
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- 48-49 -- phyllis levy, 13:29:59 06/30/06 Fri (cache-rtc-ac03.proxy.aol.com/
read your posting do you remember willie from canarsie hardware my dad bought that store in 48 the former owners name was schact not sure if that was the correct spelling the dentist dr.lafemina was over the store would love to hear from anyone who remembered my dad
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NEED HELP -- TARA LAGRASSA, 06:59:56 04/10/06 Mon (c-69-255-76-155.hsd1.de.comcast.net/
I am trying to find out as much as I can about my Grandmas past. Her name was Rose Bennett and she was born in 1913 in Canarsie and I believe she lived on Remsen Avenue or Place.She was raised by her Grandmother(Harriet Manus) and had 4 siblings,George Bennett,Oscar Bennett,Harriet Bennett and Florence Bennett. There is not much I know about her life while she lived in Brooklyn-she moved to queens later in her life got married and had my Mom and my Aunt. If any one out there knows anything about either my grandma or any of the names I mentioned above please contact me at my email address.I am in desperate need of any information.
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- club L -- sam james viola, 11:43:23 06/20/05 Mon (ool-457149c3.dyn.optonline.net/
any members of club L over the canarsie movie theater in the 40's or 50's would love to hear from you
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- Granddaughter of Affenits --(Afenitas/Affenitis-- Affenitos orinignally) -- Caitlin Ellis, 18:37:06 11/13/04 Sat (69-174-7-196.chvlva.adelphia.net/
Hello, I'm on this message board in the hopes of perhaps gaining contact with my third cousins, uncles to my grandfather, who was an Affenit. They, all 13 of them, were Affenitas, also known as the Canarsie Affenitas because of the affiliation..
My grandfather has recently visited and I learned of all this family history I never knew of, and was instantly curious.. I would like to see if any of my extended relatives are still alive and able to contact me. If anyone knows of them, their relatives, etc., please contact me at my e-mail address. Thank you!
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- PS 115 June 1954 Graduation picture -- MIchael Fraggetta, 20:55:19 02/02/04 Mon (ool-44c2c581.dyn.optonline.net/
Believe it or not I somehow saved a picture thats 48 years old.It's framed and has about 20 signatures on the back, most of which I can read. My problem is I would love to make contact with everybody in the picture except I can't remember most of their names. So if you appear in this photo or have knowledge of anybody in it PLEASE contact me. I don't think I will hear from Dr Brodi the principal and how many of you remember MRS HAMBURGER.
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CAMILLE (ROBUSTELLI) DEGRAZZA -- SHIRLEY (DELLOSSO) SCORDATO, 12:06:46 07/15/03 Tue (cache-rg07.proxy.aol.com/
I am looking for a very old and dear friend who's name is Camille- maiden name- Robustelli-married name- DeGrazza.
She lived on West 4th street, married Thomas DeGrazza. They had 2 daughters, one who's name is Laura. She worked for Continental Casualty Co. My husband, Angelo Scordato also worked for Continental Casualty Co.
I was Camille's bridesmaid.
The last I've heard, Camille was living on Staten Island, but I have not been able to locate her.
If ANYONE knows any information, PLEASE post a reply.
I would love to be able to contact her.
Thank you so much.
Shirley (Dellosso) Scordato
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- 1940's -- Robert Grabau, 16:06:31 11/17/02 Sun (cache-dl07.proxy.aol.com/
My E-mail address is listed incorrectly. It is bobgrabausr.@hotmail.com
The Sr is for senior...Not only age but there is Junior. Married 42 years three kids and 7 grandchildren Youngest is 2 oldest is 20 of the grandkids. Living in Florida for about 20 years now
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- Avenue L -- Ruth Beckerman, 22:10:49 10/08/02 Tue (cache-rg07.proxy.aol.com/
Hi, I graduated Tilden in June 40. I lived on Avenue L and E. 88th. I would welcome any response as I love to talk about the old days.
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Hi Dalmacio -- Rita Mansey, 13:23:15 09/07/01 Fri (NoHost/
Well hello. ! Boy or boy did you bring back some memorie.I also remember Timmy collins,Steve and Mike Calavetta. I used to play with them on 98th street. I have five sister
Rosemarie,Margaret,Karen Debbie and Lynn. I also had Mrs.
McDermott. She was a wonderful teacher so very kind. we lived in Truckleman's Lane.Our neighbors were the Fords'
Did you know Andrew Ford. Timmy Collins taught me how to
ride a bike. I must have knowned you. Where exactly did you
live. Please E-Mail me back Good talking to you
Rita Mansey(Gustafson
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- Looking for Moms Friend -- Linda Hollis, 17:53:28 02/18/02 Mon (spider-mtc-th034.proxy.aol.com/
Looking for Elinore Bruno. Was a very dear friend of my mothers Camille (Millie).
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Looking For Grandfather -- Jonathan Levitin, 21:37:34 12/06/01 Thu (reston-gnap-ip-216012-75.dynamic.ziplink.net/
Hi Folks! I am looking for info. on my Grandfather who was a graduate of Canarsie HS and a member of the Canarsie Trojans football team circa late 1930's. You folks are the closest I can get to the 1930's. Any chance you can give me a few tips and leads, I have some pics of him in his uniform of the Canarsie Trojans taken in the late 1930's. His name is Edward Kaptansky also known as Edward Kabot.
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- boy scout troop 182, h.e.s. hopkinson ave, brownsville -- gene mandel, 18:08:06 08/20/01 Mon (spider-ntc-tb031.proxy.aol.com/
would like to say hi to members troop 182, years 1940-50. met at the HES on hopkinson ave, brownsville, brooklyn,ny
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- The old gang! -- Don Singer, 11:52:30 05/12/01 Sat (ppp277-nosp1.i-55.com/
Looking for old friends from the P.S.114 class of January,1949. Been looking for the past year...no luck so far.
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