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Date Posted: 17:43:01 07/25/04 Sun
Author: Katrina
Author Host/IP: cache-gtc-ab05.proxy.aol.com /
Subject: Re: looking for old school friends
In reply to: Gloria (Valenti) Denaro 's message, "looking for old school friends" on 10:34:29 03/09/03 Sun

>Hello Gloria,
My name is Katrina, Im writing you in regards to you posting from the 1940's Canarsie. My grandmothers maiden name was Frances pepitone...however she was too old to have attended school with you..but my father (Gregory Borruso) wasn't, he was born in "37". they lived on 83rd and flatlands in canarsie. Unfortunately they have both past away but I am always interested in hearing stories about them before I came along. If you remember either of them or have any stories/pictures I would love to hear about it.
Sincerely Yours,
Katrina Borruso

Where are children (now seniors) from P.S. 114 around,
>1946 or 1947. Does anyone know, Frank Dantona, we
>used to walk home from school together, (he was a nice
>guy). What about Frances Pepitone, Josephine Mazza,
>Theresa Cocchiola, Marilyn White, Catherine Bruno,
>Gaspare Marone,(all classmates). I lived in Canarsie
>up until 1989, now live in N.J. My husband, Jim
>Denaro, died in 1992. I have 2 children and 4
>grandchildren. Canarsie was so wonderful back in the
>old days. Remember the victory gardens we used to
>plant on the school grounds. Any girls remember miss
>Benton the cooking teacher. (she was sure tough). I
>used to live on Flatlands ave. and E. 86 st. The
>Valenti's, the family had 4 girls and 5 boys, anyone
>remember us. We used to play baseball in the empty
>lots next to our house. Cleto Ardito had a grocery
>store right next to us, and remember Mr. Frank, the
>other grocery store. Anyone remember the Log Cabin,
>the ice cream parlor on Flatlands Avenue, it was so

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[> Re: looking for old school friends -- Paul Viverito, 07:17:10 01/24/05 Mon (proxyche03.ia3.marketscore.com/

I remember the Log Cabin. I lived just around the corner on Conklin Ave and 94th St. Graduated from PS 114 in 1946

Where are children (now seniors) from P.S. 114 around,
>1946 or 1947. Does anyone know, Frank Dantona, we
>used to walk home from school together, (he was a nice
>guy). What about Frances Pepitone, Josephine Mazza,
>Theresa Cocchiola, Marilyn White, Catherine Bruno,
>Gaspare Marone,(all classmates). I lived in Canarsie
>up until 1989, now live in N.J. My husband, Jim
>Denaro, died in 1992. I have 2 children and 4
>grandchildren. Canarsie was so wonderful back in the
>old days. Remember the victory gardens we used to
>plant on the school grounds. Any girls remember miss
>Benton the cooking teacher. (she was sure tough). I
>used to live on Flatlands ave. and E. 86 st. The
>Valenti's, the family had 4 girls and 5 boys, anyone
>remember us. We used to play baseball in the empty
>lots next to our house. Cleto Ardito had a grocery
>store right next to us, and remember Mr. Frank, the
>other grocery store. Anyone remember the Log Cabin,
>the ice cream parlor on Flatlands Avenue, it was so

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