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Date Posted: 08:21:58 02/14/10 Sun
Author: Ed Egan (A name I know)
Author Host/IP: /
Subject: Re: OLD Canarsie
In reply to: Peggy Schuster Hessemer 's message, "OLD Canarsie" on 18:35:45 04/22/05 Fri

>I was born in Canarsie in 1929. My name is Peggy
>Schuster Hessemer. I married Phil Hessemer in the old
>Holy Family Church in 1952 by Msgr. Genoa. Our first
>son, Philip, was babtized in the new church. I grew up
>on 91st St. and Ave. M.went to PS115, graduated in
>1943. Remember Mrs. McHenry, Ms. McKenna, Dolan, Kelly
>and Johnson. The only male teacher was Mr. Finkel. My
>two cousins were Bob and Don Rowland (they are both
>deceased). We moved to LI in 1961 before the big
>change in Canarsie.
Talking about Canarsie with Joe Briglio. Both mentioned Don and Bob Rowland. Sorry to hear that they are gone. Good people.We both live in Florida.I will lok for new posting..

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[> [> Re: OLD Canarsie -- phil fischetti, 20:09:27 11/15/12 Thu (cpe-67-250-123-78.hvc.res.rr.com/

Mrs Hessemer
You sure brought
back some nice memories for me.We were both fortunate to have lived in
around the same time.I see you never forgot the
principal,and vice principal along with some of the teaches we both had.I do
remember one other male teacher who was a gym teacher by the name of Mr
Fineberg. like you i graduated Ps 115 in 1944.
I married my wife ,who was Dr premsiler nurse(
dentist) office across the street from the Canarsie theater.We also were married
iIn Holy family Church in 1955 by fatherI Florida. I was born in Canarsie in
1930 and lived there until 1970 when i bouught a house in LI(
Only reason i moved it was cheaper then to by a
house in LI. I LOVED CANARSIE,but in a way was glad i moved, when i went back
ten years ago to a wake, and saw what saw what became of my Green Acres.Nothing
was the same that i had remembered,Reinhardts was gone,All the places i
remembered were gone.Thank God for memories. The Canarsie theater looked like a
bomb hit it.All the places i loved,growing up as a kid were gone.I see you lived
close to PS 115,which was a great school,one of the best at that time in Bklyn.I
hope i'm not bothering you,but i had to write since everything you wrote related
to my time.I lived on Ave l and Rockaway Pkway from 10 years old till i
married.I worked for the NYC Transit Authority from 1960 till 1980 when i
retired.I mostly worked the token booths on the 14 st Canarsie line,and once in
a while my home station Rockaway Parkway.
Well,thanks for posting on the Canarsie site,and
letting me write to real Canarsie people.God Bless!
Philip Fischetti

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[> [> [> Re: OLD Canarsie -- Louis Calabro (Wish I could return and have kids fun again.), 09:02:50 03/18/14 Tue (c-76-103-171-32.hsd1.ca.comcast.net/

Hello Phil: I was raised at 1241 E. 92 St and Ave J. I played base ball with the sandlot team Warriors until I was 18. Hung out at the Geraci Bakery, 92nd St and Church Ln. They are all gone. Left fof the Navy in 1951 and have remained in California since my discharge.

Canarsie was a good small own---I hear it has gone down since then. Used to hag out at the Walnut Bar on Flatlands ave and 92 St.

I know you miss Canarsie too---it was great during the 30's and 40's. My dad played bocci ball at the courts are 85th and Ave J. San Francsico area is a great place with my kids and grandkids still living in the area. Best wishes, Louie (AKA Luigi Calabrro).

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