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Subject: Re: save the zone you hypocrite

Nathan A5th
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Date Posted: 21:21:30 06/24/03 Tue
In reply to: Ashley 's message, "Re: save the zone you hypocrite" on 18:50:40 06/24/03 Tue

>Hehehehehe...wow. I cant even begin to describe what
>that ment to me...maybe becuase it means absolutly
>nothing. There are a lot of people that would agree
>with me. Partially becuase one of the bands that
>played that night absolutly sucked ass....but thats
>not why I didnt go...first of all I had absolutly NO
>money. Second of all I had no ONE to get me
>there...and third of all I just didnt really feal like
>going. And I wouldnt say Im being a hypocrite about
>not going becuase to be a hypocrite would be to
>say.."Oh you HAVE to go no matter what becuase u HAVE
>to support us, And Ill be there becuase I ALWAYS go to
>shows to support the bands!" That would be
>hypocritical. But I never said that...Im just like .."
>oh hey go to the zone and support the bands." Just
>becuase u dont go every weekend doesnt mean you dont
>support...I am supporting them right now as i speak
>because Im listening to their music. I know you were
>not directly pointing this at me whoever u are..but I
>do have that deep fealing that u probably added me
>into it by saying..."u know who you are". But I can
>understand how u might be a little pissed. But u kinda
>said it a little bit harsh there buddy. Just try to
>tone it down a little bit. Well I have to go. Ill see
>you all later.
Well the only that I can think of to say is thanks to those who did show up. It means alot to us.
And to Denis or what ever your name is you should take a lession from Josh&Ashley they know what they'er talking about. I dont mean to piss you off but all any body can do is ask people to go to The Zone. If they dont They dont thats there own deal not yours.

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Re: save the zone you hypocritetyler13:36:34 06/25/03 Wed

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