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Subject: Re: save the zone you hypocrite

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Date Posted: 14:30:27 07/02/03 Wed
In reply to: dennis 's message, "save the zone you hypocrite" on 17:16:47 06/24/03 Tue

Am I the only one that finds it ironic that is "Dennis" fellow decides to get all worked-up when no one went to "his" show. Believe this, if you dare, but there have actually been shows before, at The Zone mind you, that didn't draw very many people. *Gasp* I consulted a well-known analyst to help me decipher the dilemma, they gave me several reasons why this ULTRA-special show didn't have kids over-spilling into the streets of Yakima.

The first reason being, that the average age of "Zone-goers" is about 16-19. We all know that teenagers are witty, have distinct appearances and have occasional emotional outbursts. One thing most teen typically don't have is a lot of money. Money is something a teen must have in order to attend the Zone on a bi-weekly basis.

The second reason being, that some "Zone-goers", believe THIS or not, had other plans! Ranging from other concerts, to summer vacations, to camp, to playing frisbee in the park. Unbelievable, I know.

The third and most important reason is that a lot of "Zone-goers" simply decided not to go. There's no such law stating that supporting the Zone requires people to attend EVERY show. A Zone supporter needs only visit once. If you've EVER payed to see a musical performance at The Zone, you're a supporter.

Stop your whining. It's not the first or last time that shows didn't sell. Talk to LDM, Insecure and Manifest about small crowds.

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Re: save the zone you hypocriteNicole17:48:34 07/02/03 Wed

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