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Subject: Zone Regulars and what I like about them (incredibly long post)

Bukkake Count
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Date Posted: 05:35:08 07/29/03 Tue

Well I've decided since I've been kind of high on the asshole level lately that I should say a few kind words about the Zone Regulars. If you're not included as a zone regular and you are, well er sorry I just don't know you well enough to say anything positive about you. I also might not remember your name.
Oh and this post is really feelgood hippy crap. I wish I was more Hardcore and/or Hesher so I never got the urge to do this bullshit.

Dave you're a real nice guy. For the short time I've known you its been great talking to you and hanging out around your home. Its a shame I had to ruin a beautiful friendship by opening my mouth and making an ass out of myself.

You're always a blast to hang around, of my friends you're one of the most unconditional ones I have. If I decided tommorow to devote my life to messing yours up you'd still be my friend, and for that you rule.

A little known fact is that it was Keith that first got me hanging around my current group of friends. Keith when it comes down to it has my back. He's funny as hell and is twice as hardcore as I could ever hope to be.

You have alot of conviction and your loyalty is unquestionable. You're also quite a bit more intelligent than most people give you credit for, including myself.

I was wrong about you, for some reason I decided to be paranoid around you from the beginning and looking back I realize that you were trying your best to be friends with me. From what little I know about you, you're a very nice person who I treated like an enemy.

I've known you for a long time and for a long period of time I treated you like crap. I truly regret acting like that towards you, you're one of the kindest people I know if not the kindest.

You're the nicest one of my close friends and you've never given me any crap for my musical taste. Your dedication to staying out of the entertainment wars is commendable.

I wish I had connected with you a bit more because you're a funny guy and you can puke on command, being friends with someone who has a talent like that is priceless.

You're a very open-minded person and to my knowledge you've never talked shit about me. Also another one of the funnier people in Yakima.

You're one of the few people who visited my home when I first moved in and that always meant alot to me. You also put up with my cornier jokes better than anyone.

You always seem to have a smile on your face and you use the term "Donkey Punch" making you bad ass.

You're always positive and you're also very good at playing along with my jokes.

All of Blue Mouse Theatre
You guys rule musically, and all of you think I'm funny. Anytime you folks are around I get this huge ego boost.

Chuck and Sue
If it wern't for Chuck and Sue there would be no Zone regulars and I wouldn't have the chance to listen to live music in Yakima.

Anyways I'm not fishing for compliments I just thought I should say something nice for a change, just to liven things up and keep them interesting.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Zone Regulars and what I like about them (incredibly long post)Keith Edge18:51:35 07/29/03 Tue
Re: Zone Regulars and what I like about them (incredibly long post)Nicole06:50:03 07/30/03 Wed

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