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Subject: Re: Best/Worst Concert experiences

Ashley "Crash"
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Date Posted: 16:59:24 07/30/03 Wed
In reply to: Nicole 's message, "Re: Best/Worst Concert experiences" on 06:44:43 07/30/03 Wed

My best concert experience would deffinantly have to be either The Suicide Machines or Glassjaw at this years Warped Tour. TSM's pit was so fucking unreal! Bodies everywhere. Being almost one of the only girls in it...Georgia your my girl! Skanking with everyone else was awsome. It was great. And there sound was intense...just made it all skankwhile. Loved it. And GlassJaw, besides being one of the best bands ever, they must put on one of the coolest shows ever. There all great guys (I MET THEM! YAY!) And there songs are really catchy. And all the Yakimanians were really tearing it up for them too!
But there is always a downside to the good stuff. My worst concert experience would have to be when my mom(god knows I love her but the blues...mom come on...you know I dont like it!) dragged me to the Blues Fest with her about 2 summers ago. The music was cool and all the bands put on cool shows...but it was too hott to be sitting in the grass burried in bodies of sweat. But thankfully it took up my saterday sence I had nothing to do anyways. And I got to be with Ash And Jessie...my sisters no one knows about who I never see. And there was a litte water sprayer mist thing which rocked my world. THANK YOU H20 MIST SPRAYER! So I guess all in all I had a good time.

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Re: Best/Worst Concert experiencesGeorgia17:08:08 07/30/03 Wed

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