jamie (blue mouse theatre)
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Date Posted: 14:08:53 08/12/03 Tue
Blue Mouse Theatre and Thee Letting Forth of Fire are having a yardsale to raise money to put out both Blue Mouse's latest EP and the our split 7" with Thee Letting Forth. We're gonna have all kinds of stuff like clothes, stereo/music/computer equipment, a BB gun, and lots of other things. If you want to just come hang out, that's cool too.
Anyways it's going to be on both the saturday and sunday of this week at my house, which is at 312 E. Manitoba in Ellensburg. email me ( if you need directions.
ALSO! hopefully we will be having a small show in my basement saturday night. it is a tiny space, so there won't be much room, but it should be fun. Not sure who's playing yet, maybe thee letting forth, and probably either the Crustaceans or Blue Mouse Theatre. If anybody else wants to play email me.
Thanks and hopefully see you there.ATTENCION:
Blue Mouse Theatre and Thee Letting Forth of Fire are having a yardsale to raise money to put out both Blue Mouse's latest EP and the our split 7". We're gonna have all kinds of stuff like clothes, stereo/music/computer equipment, a BB gun, and lots of other things. If you want to just come hang out, that's cool too.
Anyways it's going to be on both the saturday and sunday of this week at my house, which is at 312 E. Manitoba in Ellensburg. email me ( if you need directions.
ALSO! hopefully we will be having a small show in my basement saturday night. it is a tiny space, so there won't be much room, but it should be fun. Not sure who's playing yet, maybe thee letting forth, and probably either the Crustaceans or Blue Mouse Theatre. If anybody else wants to play email me.
Thanks and hopefully see you there.
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