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Subject: Here is the latest on The Roxity.

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Date Posted: 10:07:35 09/06/03 Sat

Sorry it has taken me so long to check out this sight. I should have checked in sooner. Anyway, Yes guys the name has been set. It is The Roxity. Chuck made the decision the other night. Also the first show is not going to be on Sept. 12th as planned. We have hit a snag in remodeling and it is going to have to be put off for another week. So the official GRAND OPENING OF THE ROXITY is set for Sept 19th. If that changes I will post the change immediately so you know. The bands will probably be the same as planned. 2 Headed Chang, Fiasco, Mortdom. If you have any questions you can email me at The Roxity@aol.com. No the yakima music scene isn't dead yet. I promise we will give it our best shot this time. Also will the person hostig this website please email me or call at 248-9427. I can give you more info as I get it. As for the band The Briefs. I got a call from them and I need to know if you guys really want them. It will cost a lot to get them here. Are they worth it? They want to play Oct. 18th or 19th. Hope you all had a great summer. I can't wait to get bands going again. I kinda miss you guys. See ya.

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Re: Here is the latest on The Roxity.Disbanded_junk18:04:49 09/06/03 Sat

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