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Date Posted: 08:55:38 01/03/07 Wed
Author: Denise garrintano (I REMEMBER YOUR SISTER)
Author Host/IP: adsl-69-107-64-133.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net /
Subject: Re: 2065 Rockaway Pkwy
In reply to: Stan Davidson 's message, "2065 Rockaway Pkwy" on 21:27:21 12/31/06 Sun

>phyliss davidson, shelly davis, sharon brown, and frankie babino and I all hung out together. Phyliss married a friend of mine later in life Steven Bass.!!! are you older/younger than Phyliss?

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[> Re: 2065 Rockaway Pkwy -- Kristina, 16:31:54 07/04/07 Wed (pool-72-90-164-47.nwrknj.east.verizon.net/

This message is for Stan Davidson....I saw that you posted a message and I believe you knew my father Frank Babbino. I'm sorry to say that he's passed away last year. I'd love ot hear any memories that you may have had about about/with him.


>I lived at 2065 Rockaway Pkwy from 1955 till 1968. apt
>2I. Anybody remember me (Stan Davidson) or my sister
>Phyllis. Other people in my building were Stanley
>Cohen, Bruce Levine, Susan Isaacson, Frank Babbino,
>Lynn Susser, Steven Gordon, Larry Krakauer, Sam
>Chasky. Estra Harris, Marsha Miller, Ellen Levine......

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[> [> Re: 2065 Rockaway Pkwy -- Stan Davidson, 04:34:58 07/17/07 Tue (c-76-108-250-240.hsd1.fl.comcast.net/

When I first moved to Bayview in 1955 Frankie was my first and best friend, We would hang out with Stuart Tiplitsky and Leroy Beckerman. We spent many Saturday afternoons at the Canarsie Theater and then go to Grabsteins' delicateesen for a hot dog. We also went into Manhattan a lot and wandered around the city all day. We were amazed when we first saw a colot TV in the the window at Rockerfeller Center and we would watch it for hours. We would always eat at Tad's Steakhouse( a whole dinner for about 2 bucks...that was living) One time we dressed up as soldiers and walked along the Belt Pkwy to Flatbush Ave and then crossed the Marine Bay Bridge into Rockaway, then we walked throughout Rockaway to the Cross Bay bridge and finally home to Bayview....what a hike that was. Frank was great at sports, especially punchball, and our friends started calling him slugger Mcgee, and me slugger Mcgoo. He was my first Italian friend and I wanted to know how i could become Italian. We watched a good part of Bayview being built and we found a hauntged house off of seaview ave, before the pool was built. All my memories of Frankie are the best and those days were the best of my life. I am sorry for your loss...Stan Davidson

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