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Date Posted: 07:06:45 12/16/01 Sun
Author: elissa becker venture
Author Host/IP: host-216-78-99-78.asm.bellsouth.net /
Subject: Re: Where are the "original" members of the fishpark? Any of you clowns out there?
In reply to: H. 's message, "Where are the "original" members of the fishpark? Any of you clowns out there?" on 12:46:57 04/27/01 Fri

>i remember hanging out in the fish park with the guys
>and the girls great time we all had together

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[> [> Re: Where are the "original" members of the fishpark? Any of you clowns out there? -- Deborah Olin, 11:19:11 04/08/03 Tue (cache-rb07.proxy.aol.com/

>>i remember hanging out in the fish park with the guys
>>and the girls great time we all had together
I hung out at the park, this is 272 school park your talking about, the years 68,69,70 were the best years. It was like a festival there all the time. I remember the cops would kick us out then we'd all migrate to Coney Island Joe's and or The Chef and hang out on the wall and in frount of the statioary store, pizza parlor, and carvel and movie theater, Seemed like hundreds os kids! Once we all chipped in a bought a ounce of grass and went into the baseball field and smoked it all up there was around 20 of us, we sat in a big circle and passed the corn cob pipe snd joints. It was so much fun, we were all blasted and we could hardly stand and walk we were all laughing howling and hooting hysterically, the grass on the ground looked like mininture trees and we were all giants. I remember we all did things in big groups, like going to the fillmore, the beach, the airport, Watermelon fights climbing over peoples fences to sneak into there pools, once as we had to run because the people in the house were waking up as I climbed over the fence my shirt got stuck and I was hanging in the air Help help I hissed, this guy Boobie ran back to unhook me ( Boobie had a pet lobster, he tried to walk it on a leash, I never knew his real name even his mom called him Boobie, he was always saying N.G.! as in no good!)I also remember word got out that my parents were away in Euroupe and one by two by five people were coming over till the house was PACKED standing room only every single room and everyone smoking hash and grass, then the doorknob feel off and we were all locked in side, some people were tripping and got parinoid so I opened the window and said JUMP! They ate all the food except the condiments, they drank my moms special champagne she was saving. Finally Curtis Myers (CHOPPER, R.I.P) saved the day by removing another doorknob and sticking that in the door and we were free, BUT no body left it went on and on till the next day when people went out and stole bread and milk and egg delieveries and a huge breakfast was made, by Peggy Gussaroff. I tried to help but everyone was giving me bags of grass hash and pills as presents, I took some reds and I was jello. When they gave me my plate I promtly feel in it! Yeah what class I had!ANyway finally they all left I cleaned and dingdong it started again, finally a frantic neighbor banged on the door from the noise and music blasting and screamed Im calling the COPS! Everyone ran, she grabbed one kids hair and screamed your a wild indian!!, Well the cops never came and I had to walk around with a doorknob to get in to my house. People were calling me Debbie Doorknob and some gave me some doorknobs as gifts!Unfourtunetly though the cops never came when my mom returned home nieghbord were all a fire and told my mom "That was some Party your daughter had!" I got in trouble but it was worth it. It was so crowed in my house I left walked around and NO ONE was anywhere, because they were all in my house, most people didnt even know whos house it was some asked me Whos house is this anyway? Those days hanging out in the park were golden! Shurely Canarsie Ruled They World Then!, and the 1000's of kids that lived there seemed to rule Canarsie!

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