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Date Posted: 16:08:11 06/28/03 Sat
Author: gm
Author Host/IP: cache-rb07.proxy.aol.com /
Subject: Re: Whatever Happened To....
In reply to: Red 's message, "Whatever Happened To...." on 11:29:19 06/08/03 Sun

liar. johnny has never been any of the things you listed above. it's really nice to be able to say things like that while hiding behind your computer at home. you were probably a real geek growing up and were never alowd to hang out with ayone besides your precious pussy cat out of fear that you would get your ass beat. i saw jonny b about 6 to 8 months ago at a biohazard show in brooklyn and he is doing just fine, no thanks to assholes like you who like to talk bad about everyone when they are not there to defend themselves. but people like you only know how to be tough when you are all alone anyway. you must have a really rewarding life.

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[> [> Re: Whatever Happened To.... -- RED, 13:41:02 06/29/03 Sun (cache-dl03.proxy.aol.com/

Gay Male is it? I hung out with big mouth so I know about the crack first hand. My life is very rewarding especially the fact that I can actually spell ( allowd, ayone? )unlike yourself. I actually heard from former friends of his about the trick turning gig and wanted confirmation. If not hanging out in the projects makes me a geek, oh well...

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[> [> Re: Whatever Happened To.... -- Carrie, 14:56:56 07/29/03 Tue (cache-rb07.proxy.aol.com/

>liar. johnny has never been any of the things you
>listed above. it's really nice to be able to say
>things like that while hiding behind your computer at
>home. you were probably a real geek growing up and
>were never alowd to hang out with ayone besides your
>precious pussy cat out of fear that you would get your
>ass beat. i saw jonny b about 6 to 8 months ago at a
>biohazard show in brooklyn and he is doing just fine,
>no thanks to assholes like you who like to talk bad
>about everyone when they are not there to defend
>themselves. but people like you only know how to be
>tough when you are all alone anyway. you must have a
>really rewarding life.

OMG Johnnyyyyyy, he was my neighbor for many years 8th floor 2115 rkway pkway, he was a nut but we got along great and he was there for my mom when i moved out. I'd like to say hey to johnny if anyone knows his email if he indeed has one. do u guys remember Elliot Sichel?

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[> [> [> Re: Whatever Happened To.... -- Ramona, 07:21:29 06/22/06 Thu (cpe-24-168-105-180.si.res.rr.com/

>>liar. johnny has never been any of the things you
>>listed above. it's really nice to be able to say
>>things like that while hiding behind your computer at
>>home. you were probably a real geek growing up and
>>were never alowd to hang out with ayone besides your
>>precious pussy cat out of fear that you would get your
>>ass beat. i saw jonny b about 6 to 8 months ago at a
>>biohazard show in brooklyn and he is doing just fine,
>>no thanks to assholes like you who like to talk bad
>>about everyone when they are not there to defend
>>themselves. but people like you only know how to be
>>tough when you are all alone anyway. you must have a
>>really rewarding life.
>OMG Johnnyyyyyy, he was my neighbor for many years 8th
>floor 2115 rkway pkway, he was a nut but we got along
>great and he was there for my mom when i moved out.
>I'd like to say hey to johnny if anyone knows his
>email if he indeed has one. do u guys remember Elliot

oh my God...I lived on the 8th floor in Bayview, I knew Johnny.....Carrie who are you? My memory sucks with names :(

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[> [> Re: Whatever Happened To.... -- dope fein, 12:03:02 03/06/07 Tue (cache-rtc-ab07.proxy.aol.com/

jonny was no crackhead, he was and probally still is a heroin addict! he runs around the streets of east new york scoring drugs and getting arrested every other day! he is a frequent customer of the centrel booking system! mt brother works for nypd south district and informs me everytime duesch bigalow gets arrested! (not that i give a fuck.)
Yes im sure jonny was a great guy along time ago but thru the years his drug addiction changed his whole character! my man needs a intervention! call channel 9.

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