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  • AA Reunion in California -- Myx Rodriguez, 22:21:03 03/02/10 Tue
    My dearest overseas AA family,

    Kamusta kayong lahat?

    We are organizing a 30th year AA reunion in California which will be held on July 10, 2010. It is tentatively set in a beautiful gallery in Los Angeles. I will send a confirmation email along with the reunion details at the end of March after we complete the AA registration process. Please feel free to copy and paste my message and share the spreadsheet link with all your fellow AA overseas alums.

    For those who just graduated, if AA was a big part of your college life, it is a chance for us celebrate college theater one more time before other responsibilities and challenges take over. For all of us, it's a chance to share hilarious and heart-breaking stories of AA life and network with other alums. I know that many of us have not seen each other in years. This is a rare opportunity for us to go back to college one more time... laugh and cry hard... best of all, celebrate the people that we have become-- big thanks to the one and only AA family that encouraged and nurtured us while we we were trying to find our place in this world.

    Your prompt response to my request for your contact information will be much appreciated! I know some of us are not sure about how our schedules will be in July. No worries! This sign up sheet is NOT equivalent to a RSVP. We will use this contact sheet for the upcoming reunion as well as any future overseas formal AA get-togethers that we will be organizing.

    Since this contact sheet is open to all of us, please treat the information as confidential. Atin-atin lang ito. :-) Kung sakaling mahirapan kayong mag-sign up sa spreadsheet for any reason, please feel free to email me your contact info asap.

    First Name

    Middle Name
    Last Name
    Year Graduated

    Mailing Address
    Skype Username (if any)


    I hope you are all having a prosperous 2010!

    Ang inyong lingkod,

    Carol Gancia-Ogawa
    AA '93
    "Once an AA, always an AA."

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  • AA Website -- Fhadz Mollo ((happy)), 10:35:42 02/04/09 Wed
    uhmm. napansin ko lang po na hindi pa ata napaplug ang new AA website. Matagal na po actually siyang working pero incase po na may gusto pong magparamdam sa mga minamahal naming alumni, pwede niyo pong makita kung anu nang meron sa minahal at mahal niyo pong org sa UST sa http://artistangartlets.org/. Add niyo na din po sa inyong multiply contacts ang http://artistangartlets.multiply.com/ or paki bisita na din po ang AA blogger sa http://artistangartlets.blogspot.com..

    More power po sa Artistang Artlets at mabuhay po tayong lahat!

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  • Internet Cafe Software - WiFi HotSpot Internet Gateway Solutions from MyCafeCup.com -- MyCafeCup.com internet cafe, cyber cafe, WiFi HotSpot, 21:48:19 04/17/08 Thu

    MyCafeCup.com - Internet cafe software / cybercafe software / WiFi HotSpot Software for management and billing of cybercafes/gaming center/internet cafe/PC Rental Shop. The leading cybercafe billing software is the excellent tool for managing your Internet Cafe, Cyber Cafe, Gaming cafe, Game Center, WiFi HotSpot or Hotel Business Center.

    Cyber Internet Cafe SoftwareCyber Internet Cafe SoftwareCyber Internet Cafe Software

    :: English

    Cyber Internet Cafe Software / Internet Cyber Cafe Software / WiFi HotSpot Cafe : MyCafeCup - take control of your internet cybercafe. Explore to get the new cybercafe management strategies, flexible marketing plans, billing and more easily than ever. MyCafeCup has many unique features optimized for PC rental business. Download MyCafeCup now, then you will get much more of your free time.

    MyCafeCup is a software solutions for the operation of an Internet Cyber Cafe or PC rental system. Designed primarily for Cyber Internet Cafe business and also can be used to control the PCs on your intranet. System functions and user interface has been designed to be easy to use with little or no experience in the computer industry. The software allows you to set up various marketing plans for each user to chose from.

    MyCafeCup is Client / Server application which allows you to easily manage and monitor all client machines status remotely from the Server in on-line and in real time. Administrators can just monitor or manage the things at clients easier from the server, such as shutdown, reboot, force the user to log-out, see the running applications, etc ....

    MyCafeCup has a high security to prevent the un-authorized users access to your client computers, so just grant access to your customer individually. By creating username/password accounts with the ability to charge the user in various terms.

    We invite you to have a look at all that MyCafeCup has to offer. Download a copy of the evaluation edition and check out all the features.

    Do not forget to check our news page for news and up to date information about our products.


    :: Spanish
    MyCafeCup.com - Internet cafe software / software cibercafés / WiFi HotSpot de software para la gestión y facturación de cibercafés / centro recreativo / internet café / PC Alquiler de la tienda. El líder de software de facturación de los cibercafés es el excelente herramienta para la gestión de su Internet Cafe, Cyber Cafe, Gaming café, Game Center, WiFi HotSpot o el Hotel Centro de Negocios.

    Cyber Internet Cafe Software / Internet Cyber Cafe Software / Wireless WiFi HotSpot: MyCafeCup - tomar el control de su cyber de internet. Explorar para obtener el nuevo cybercafé, internetcafe, wifi café estrategias de gestión, flexibles planes de comercialización, la facturación y más fácilmente que nunca. MyCafeCup tiene muchas características únicas optimizado para las empresas de alquiler de PC. Descargar MyCafeCup ahora, entonces usted conseguirá mucho más de su tiempo libre.

    MyCafeCup es una de soluciones de software para el funcionamiento de Internet Cyber Cafe PC o sistema de alquiler. Diseñado principalmente para Internet Cyber Cafe negocio y también se puede utilizar para controlar los equipos de la intranet. Sistema de funciones y la interfaz de usuario ha sido diseñada para ser fácil de usar, con poca o ninguna experiencia en la industria informática. El software permite la configuración de diversos planes de comercialización para cada uno de los usuarios a elegir.

    MyCafeCup es Cliente / Servidor de aplicación que le permite gestionar y controlar fácilmente todos los equipos cliente de forma remota el estado del servidor en en línea y en tiempo real. Los administradores pueden controlar o administrar sólo las cosas más fáciles a los clientes desde el servidor, tales como el apagado, reinicio, la fuerza que el usuario pueda acceder al sistema, véase la ejecución de aplicaciones, etc ....

    MyCafeCup tiene una alta seguridad para prevenir la desinstalación los usuarios autorizados el acceso a los ordenadores cliente, por lo que acaba de conceder el acceso a su cliente por separado. Al crear el nombre de usuario / contraseña de cuentas con la capacidad de cobrar al usuario en diversos términos.

    Te invitamos a echar un vistazo a todo lo que tiene que ofrecer MyCafeCup. Descargar una copia de la edición de evaluación y ver todas las características.

    No se olvide de comprobar nuestra página de noticias para las noticias y la información al día sobre nuestros productos.


    :: French
    MyCafeCup.com - Internet cafe software / logiciel cybercafé / WiFi HotSpot Software pour la gestion et la facturation des cybercafés / gaming center / café internet / PC Location Shop. Le premier cybercafé est le logiciel de facturation excellent outil de gestion de votre Internet Cafe, Cyber Cafe, jeux de café, le Game Center, le WiFi ou HotSpot Hôtel Business Center.

    Logiciel de Internet café /logiciel cyber café par MyCafeCup - prenez la commande de votre cybercafe, café d'Internet, centre de jeu ou café de jeu. Explorez pour obtenir les nouvelles stratégies de gestion de café d'Internet, plans flexibles de vente, facturation et plus facilement que jamais. MyCafeCup a beaucoup de dispositifs uniques optimisés pour des affaires de café d'Internet. Téléchargez MyCafeCup maintenant, alors vous obtiendra beaucoup plus de votre temps libre.

    MyCafeCup est des solutions d'un logiciel pour l'opération d'un système de location de café ou de PC de Cyber d'Internet. Conçu principalement pour des affaires de café d'Internet de Cyber et peut également être employé pour commander les PCS sur votre Intranet. Le système fonctionne et il a été conçu pour être facile employer interface utilisateur avec peu ou pas d'expérience dans l'industrie d'ordinateurs. Le logiciel vous permet d'installer de divers plans de vente pour chaque utilisateur à a choisi de.

    MyCafeCup est l'application de client/serveur qui vous permet facilement de contrôler et surveiller tout le statut de machines de client éloigné du serveur dans en ligne et en temps réel. Les administrateurs mettent en boîte juste surveillent ou contrôlent les choses aux clients plus faciles du serveur, tel que l'arrêt, réinitialisation, forcent l'utilisateur à la sortie du système, voient les applications, etc.. courants....

    MyCafeCup a une sécurité élevée pour empêcher l'accès d'utilisateurs non autorisé à vos ordinateurs de client, accès tellement juste de concession à votre client individuellement. En créant username/password rend compte avec la capacité de charger l'utilisateur en divers termes.

    Nous vous invitons à aller voir tous ce que MyCafeCup doit offrir. Téléchargez une copie de l'édition d'évaluation et vérifiez tous les dispositifs.

    N'oubliez pas d'examiner notre page de nouvelles pour assurer les nouvelles et les informations à jour sur nos produits.


    :: Portuguese
    MyCafeCup.com - Internet cafe software / cybercafe software / WiFi HotSpot Software para gerenciamento e faturamento de cybercafes / gaming center / internet cafe / PC Rental Shop. O líder cybercafe faturamento software é o excelente ferramenta para gerenciar seu Cibercafé, Cyber Café, Gaming cafe, Game Center, WiFi HotSpot ou Hotel Business Center.

    Software do Internet café /software cyber café por MyCafeCup - faça exame do controle de seu cybercafe, café do Internet, centro do jogo ou café do gaming. Explore para começar mais fàcilmente as estratégias novas da gerência do café do Internet, plantas flexíveis do marketing, faturamento e do que sempre. MyCafeCup tem muitas características originais optimized para o negócio do café do Internet. Download MyCafeCup agora, então você começará muito mais de seu tempo livre.

    MyCafeCup é soluções de um software para a operação de um sistema do rental do café ou do PC de Cyber do Internet. Projetado primeiramente para o negócio do café do Internet de Cyber e também pode ser usado controlar os PCES em seu Intranet. O sistema funciona e a relação de usuário foi projetada ser fácil de usar-se com quase nenhuma experiência na indústria de computador. O software permite que você ajuste acima várias plantas do marketing para cada usuário a escolheu de.

    MyCafeCup é a aplicação do cliente/usuário que permite que você fàcilmente controle e monitore todo o status das máquinas do cliente remotamente do usuário em em linha e no tempo real. Os administradores enlatam justo monitoram ou controlam as coisas nos clientes mais fáceis do usuário, tal como a parada programada, reboot, forçam o usuário ao log-out, vêem as aplicações, etc. running....

    MyCafeCup tem uma segurança elevada para impedir individualmente o acesso de usuários desautorizado a seus computadores do cliente, acesso assim justo da concessão a seu cliente. Criando username/password explica com a abilidade de carregar o usuário em vários termos.

    Nós convidamo-lo ter um olhar em tudo que MyCafeCup tem que oferecer. Download uma cópia da edição da avaliação e verifique-a para fora de todas as características.

    Não se esqueça de verificar nossa página da notícia para ver se há a notícia e a informação moderna sobre nossos produtos.


    :: Italian
    MyCafeCup.com - Internet cafe software / cybercafe software / WiFi HotSpot Software per la gestione e la fatturazione di cybercafes / centro giochi / internet cafe / PC Noleggio Shop. Il leader di fatturazione cybercafe software è un ottimo strumento per la gestione di Internet Cafe, Cyber Cafe, Gaming cafe, Game Center, WiFi HotSpot o Hotel Business Center.

    Software del internet caffè/software cyber caffè da MyCafeCup - prenda il controllo del vostro cybercafe, caffè del Internet, centro del gioco o caffè di gioco. Esplori per ottenere più facilmente le nuove strategie dell'amministrazione del caffè del Internet, i programmi flessibili di vendita, fatturazione e che mai. MyCafeCup ha molte caratteristiche uniche ottimizzate per il commercio del caffè del Internet. Ora trasferisca MyCafeCup dal sistema centrale verso i satelliti, allora voi otterrà molto più del vostro tempo libero.

    MyCafeCup è soluzioni del software per l'esercizio di un sistema dell'affitto del caffè o del PC di Cyber del Internet. Progettato soprattutto per il commercio del caffè del Internet di Cyber ed anche può essere usato controllare i pc sul vostro Intranet. Il sistema funziona e l'interfaccia di utente è stata destinata per essere facile da usare con poca o nessun'esperienza nell'industria di calcolatore. Il software permette che installiate i vari programmi di vendita per ogni utente a ha scelto da.

    MyCafeCup è applicazione assistente/del cliente che permette che controlliate e controlliate facilmente a distanza tutta la condizione delle macchine del cliente dall'assistente in in linea ed in tempo reale. I coordinatori inscatolano giusto controllano o controllano le cose ai clienti più facili dall'assistente, quale l'arresto, reboot, forzano l'utente al termine attività, vedono le applicazioni, ecc correnti....

    MyCafeCup ha un'alta sicurezza per impedire individualmente l'accesso di utenti non autorizzato ai vostri calcolatori del cliente, accesso così giusto di concessione al vostro cliente. Generando username/password spiega con la capacità di caricare l'utente in vari termini.

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  • Sex Toys, xxx movies, lingerie, more! -- Sex Toys, 02:05:38 04/03/08 Thu
    Order sextoys, xxx movies, lingerie, dildos, vibrators, massagers, and many other adult and sexual enhancement products for both men and women straight, bi, or gay . Our service is fast, safe, and discreet. We ship worldwide.

    Sex Toys

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  • 27th Season Major Production: AGNOIA -- sam sanchez (excited), 19:40:35 09/08/07 Sat
    Hello everybody!

    Artistang Artlets will be having their FIRST MAJOR PRODUCTION for this academic year 2007-2008.

    "AGNOIA", 2002 Don Carlos Palanca Awardee for Full Length Play Category First Place Winner, written by Liza Magtoto based from the short story of Eli Gueib III's "Horoscope",

    directed by John Emmanoel Moran

    managed by Therese Docot

    This September 29 and October 01, 2007

    timeslots: 10am, 1, 3, 5 and 7 pm

    at the Albertus Magnus Auditorium, 4/F Education Bldg., UST

    for questions: 09053244058

    visit: http://artistangartlets.org


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  • Hi AA from Izzai Monasterio-Tejedor and Merci Lim -- Merci Lim, 20:43:10 06/26/05 Sun
    Hi AA!

    Glad to hear you guys are planning for a 25th anniversary celebration. We'd love to join you but we are in LA. There are several AA members here in California namely: Izzai Monasterio-Tejedor, Cecile Torres-Arpon, Jammie Loyola, David Carbungco, Millette Moskaira-Veracruz and ME! Since we can't make it to the anniversary, gusto nyo we'll send you a video greeting. By the way, i think i saw Direk Philip in the photos for the planning of the anniversary. Tell him i said hi and that i didn't know AA pala sya.

    Anyways good luck guys! Keep us posted!

    Merci & Izzai

    P.S. Julius and Bacci and Emoks kamusta na kayo!!!!

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  • ANNOUNCEMENT -- samie, 20:15:05 05/26/07 Sat

    27 years na po ang AA, ang saya saya!! :D At dahil papasok na ang bagong school year, inaanyayahan namin kayong lahat po na sana suportahan ang mga magiging productions ng AA.

    Kung gusto po ninyong maging connected po sa mga tao2, magkakaroon po ng bagong website ang Artistang Artlets, and its --- http://artistangartlets.org

    Meron na rin po own number ang AA para kahit na grumadweyt gradweyt na ang mga tao po, may connection pa din sa mga members na asa UST pa. Its 09053244058.

    Add niyo na rin po ang YM ng aa: artistangartlets_office@yahoo.com

    Sali na rin po kayo sa multiply ng AA ang http://artistangartlets.multiply.com

    Pati rin po sa yahoogroups - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/artistangartlets

    Wala lang... :D

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  • HELLO -- JOEL CALALANG, 05:03:46 06/29/05 Wed
    hello there guys. classmate ko c merci lim at rizza marie monasterio. me AA homecoming reunion daw kyo? txt or kol me at 09167837966, 09287428224 or e-mail me at jbcdiva@yahoo.com or write to me at blk5 lot7 carlisle mansions sudv phase1 bagumbong road novaliches caloocan city.1123... hope to hear from you guys!!! sana maka join ako at your reunion. JOEL CALALANG

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  • Looking for Julius Comia, AHS Batch 88 -- Jer mangubat, 21:16:33 04/17/07 Tue
    Im looking for Julius Comia, my batchmate at Araullo high School. His email add or other info to contact him is highly appreciated...

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  • Musta mga boys? -- Antonio Bonifacio III, 12:23:00 03/14/07 Wed
    Ano na balita mga kapatid? Napagusapan lang namin ni Jopet minsan kung buhay pa website ng AA so sinubukan namin hanapin. Turns out under construction pa pala. Sayang...

    Anyway, promise next time paparamdam nako pag may gimik uli ang AA (hehehe).

    Kitakits nalang next time mga boys!


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  • SEASON 27 OFFICERS -- jmar (excited), 22:45:14 03/06/07 Tue
    The new AA officers for S.Y. 2007-2008 SEASON 27..

    ARTISTIC DIRECTOR: John Emmanoel Moran
    TECHNICAL DIRECTOR: Rex Van Carlo Mollo
    SECRETARY: Jonlorenz Fortune de Chavez
    TREASURER: Marianne Ocampo
    AUDITOR: Therese Maria Francesca Docot
    PRODUCTION DESIGNER: Marchella Calica
    PRO EXTERNAL: Jaymar Castro
    PRO INTERNAL: Frances Anne Dizon
    LIASON OFFICERS: Apple Ocampo and Joselle Salvador


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  • website -- goddess, 07:17:52 02/01/07 Thu
    ibalik na natin ang website please...
    utang na loob..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • haaaay -- ryan chua, 19:02:13 01/04/07 Thu
    i miss encadre....haaaay...
    oh well, fob prod na!

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  • Website Designing Service at an Affordable price. -- webmaster, 21:58:53 12/25/06 Mon

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  • hey AA -- maebel (Hey Family), 00:12:48 11/28/06 Tue
    I miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Congratulations!!!! -- jmar (haffy), 22:35:46 11/23/06 Thu
    This is it... december prod na.. sana manood po kayo... Dec. 11-13... update na lang po ako sa details...

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  • Anong balita? -- Pibs Solis, 16:56:06 11/01/06 Wed
    Balita ko...masakit daw magpatattoo sa skin part near your underarm (where the side of your body and arm touches..yes there, uhuh!) kasi soft and tender daw ang area na yun. Oooooh. Oh well, sa ibang part na lang.
    I heard the plans for December prod 2006, good luck!

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  • operasyon pamilya! -- camille, 17:31:25 10/16/06 Mon
    hi! its my first time to visit this forum. anyway, op na namin! just want to share. hehe! btw, we have a site pala, www.artistangartlets.com but it's still under construction. try to visit sometime pag ok na po. sa december may upcoming play po kme. sana po makapunta ang mga alumni. thanks!

    ad.o 06-07

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  • hi -- jun lana, 18:50:00 09/29/06 Fri
    hi guys! i'm looking for my batchmates in aa. nangangamusta lang. :c)

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  • MAJOR PRODUCTION for 26th Year :) -- sam sanchez (:)), 08:19:56 09/19/06 Tue
    hello po sa lahat! :) invite lang po sana namin ang lahat ng available pong alumni para kami po kami ay samahan at bigyang moral support po for our upcoming major production this 26th year ng AA (2006 - 2007). Original script po sha, written by Jaymar Castro, directed by Cristopher "tupe" San Jose and produced by Marianne Ocampo. this will be shown on Sept 28 and 29, 2006 (thurs and fri) with time slots 10, 1, 3, 5, and 7pm. pero meron na din po kaming mga tdr sa starting Sept 26. Sana po supportahan nio po kami.

    September 28 and 29
    10am, 1, 3, 5, and 7pm
    Albertus Magnus Auditorium

    pag may questions po, pwede pong email mail_samie@yahoo.com, or contact SAM (that's me) 0915 - 5670013, or MArianne at 0915 - 9039057.

    Maraming salamat po. Malaking bagay po sa amin an inyong suporta :)

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  • Panalo -- jmar, 22:30:14 01/08/06 Sun
    wahahaha... wala lang.. mabuhay ang present batch members! at mabuhay ang aming batch! (2004)happy 25th anniv.. excited na ako sa feb 05!

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  • mga kaibigang kong AA -- omar, 05:08:57 12/23/05 Fri
    suportahan po natin ang bago kong show. mms my music station, 4:30 to 5:30pm monday to friday, qtv channel 11.
    para ito sa lahat ng mahilig sa music. kung may mga kakilala kayong banda pwede naming silang ifeature. kung gusto niyo naman na mafeature ang mga grupo niyo sa mga segments namin iemail ninyo lang ako sa opsortijas@gmanetwork.com

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  • AA PLAYWRITING WORKSHOP -- geng delos reyes, 05:22:25 11/24/05 Thu
    greetings mga alumni ng ARTISTANG ARTLETS

    currently tayo po ay nag-cecelebrate ng ating 25th anniversary

    magkakaroon din po tayo ng production this coming February 2006 at para maisakatuparan ang production na ito magkakaraoon po ng
    Playwriting workshop the whole month of December


    Our FEBRUARY ANNIVERSARY PRODUCTION is dependent on this workshop.
    We will mount 4or 5 10-20 minute straight plays.These plays are the finished product of the said workshop.
    The facilitator will choose which to mount.

    It will start on DEC 6 2005. T-TH-F ang schedule. Schedule may vary lalo na kapag nag-start na.

    The facilitator is willing to bend schedules for the majority of the group. it will start by 5pm or 6pm to 9pm to accomodate working people. It will run for 8 sessions. it can be one
    person per play or 2-3 persons per play depende sa powers ng participant to write.

    Venue sa UST - AB building. it depends pa rin lalo na pag-nagstart ang workshop.
    We want to limit sana mga 8-10 participants lang. Para tutok. Important din ang commitment to write and finish a play by hook or by crook before 2006.
    Kasi Feb ang prod. so by January casting na sana.


    YUP. If you are an alumni and member of Artistang ARtlets. Can and willing to write a 10-20 minute play.
    Is inclined to play or scriptwriting or he/she feels that he/she can write. at gusto makita ang kanyang play to life and breathing onstage then Pwede ka.

    The facilitator advised na mas maganda kung may writing experience.
    Its free for all alumnis. Magandang training din ito for filmmakers and those who want to broaden their literary horizons.

    may fee kapag di ka alumni at gusto mong mag-participate. Php 1,000


    His name is Rody Vera. Familiar ba? Siya ang nagsulat ng Kung Paano pinatay si Diana Ross.
    Play natin to noon di ba? Siya ang magtuturo ng basics on playwriting at siya na rin ang magiging gabay para makapag-produce ng play by the end of decemeber. Mabait siya.
    Anyway, ito pa.

    Rody has written more than 20 original plays and has adapted and transalated various plays into Filipino. From 1995-1997 he served as ARTISTIC DIRECTOR of PETA.

    he has appeared in a few musicals and films such as Sister Stella L and 1896. many of his plays have won the Carlos Palanca Memorial awards, most notable are Kung Paano Ko
    Pinatay Si Diana Ross (2nd prize), Ang Paglalakbay ni Radiya Mangandiri (2nd Prize), Luna: An Aswang Romace (1st prize) and Dreamweavers (2nd prize). A recipient of the Bellagio Study Grant by the Rockefeller foundation, Rody has adapated on stage 2 F. Sionil
    novels Tree (entitled Balete) and Mass.

    Rody is requiring all participants to submit a any poem, play or essay in Tagalog or english. Wag na mahiya. Para sa ikabubuti rin ito. Most preferably kung may nagawa kang play or kahit concept lang ng play at di mo
    alam kung paano lalagyan ng dialogue ito. Isubmit mo na rin. Hard copy or soft copy.

    email and contact these persons. for registration and submission of requirements. Inform na rin natin ibang alumni na sumali.


    please contact Geng delos Reyes at 0927 3893130
    gengkukay@yahoo.com ,Madz Monteza at 09068387019
    madz_koolit@yahoo.com and Richard Uy at 09175777490 for further
    details and queries.

    submit your requirements to rodyvera@yahoo.com paki cc: gengkukay@yahoo.com


    1. any written play/ poem/essay Tagalog or English (preferbaly play ang i-submit)
    2. basic personal info

    let's keep an open mind and open heart.
    and lets think of our batch
    mates na pwede dito.

    baka ang iba sa inyo ay makatanggap ng solicitation letter. THis is also for the workshop.

    Kung willing to donate money for the workshop
    contact the said people narin. Thanks very much!!

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  • Hi AA!!! -- Jerry Lalic (1986-1990), 23:52:43 07/31/05 Sun
    Kumusta sa lahat!!! Julius, wag ka muna simba sa Quiapo, pakita ka muna sa akin. May asawa ka na ba? Jaymes, nabalitaan ko kay Lyzza Tiongson, umattend ka minsan ng Bible study sa church nila. Mcdo ka pa ba? Kumusta Meann? Kape minsan

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  • Looking for Mr. Jun Lana -- Jerome Lana, 20:52:02 07/31/05 Sun
    Hi Jun,

    I hope you still remember me! How's is Tita Ofie?
    If you have time please email me..... Thanks

    Jerome Lana

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  • nawawalang tupa -- julius comia, 10:48:06 06/03/05 Fri
    Wagas na Tahanan

    kaytagal ng panahon hindi ko nadama
    init ng nagdaang kahapon sa'king alaala
    isang pindot isang iglap nasulyapan ko ka'gad
    mga pangyayari't kaganapan sa dati kong tahanan.

    mga bagong sibol , mga naggagandahang ngiti
    puno ng ligaya at pangarap sa 'king pakiwari
    aking himlay na kaluluwa'y biglang kiniliti
    hatid ng mga litrato 't kwento mula saking mga katoto.

    sa sulok ng aking balintataw pilit kong kinalimutan
    ang dating tahanan na nagbigay ng kaganapan
    mga unos ng buhay , sugat kirot ng nakaraan
    siya palang nagpatatag saking tinatapakan.

    sa inyong lahat mahal kong AA ako'y narito muli
    isang naligaw na tupa sa dilim ng pighati
    muli sanang manahan aking pagal na isipan
    sa wagas na tahanan ng bago at lumang kaibigan.

    julius comia

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  • ano na?! -- bacci, 10:13:03 12/02/04 Thu
    ano na ngyayari?wla pa rin bng developments?nakakaloka talaga!ilang araw na lng 2005 na!syempre d pwedeng ako ang kikilos kasi d ko nga alam kng ano na ngyayari.hoy!present batch ano unahin muna ang ibang reunion tpos pagdating sa sarilng reunion natin mamadaliin?!

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  • greetings from quezon -- arnold r. emocling, 03:08:31 02/02/05 Wed
    hanep a.this is the first time i have been to this site and its amazing how my beloved AA has grown.i'm a member of batch '89(yes,same batch as jun lana though not as famous).I did not graduate from UST,right after my 1st year i went into mainstream theater.dun sa mga nakakakilala sa akin,kamusta kyong lahat mula dito sa quezon.get in touch with me naman.Me reunion daw a.nabasa ko sa Manila Bulletin.send me details naman o.my email add is-arnold_emocling@hotmail.com

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  • Hi there AA Family -- Maebel, 21:27:47 03/06/05 Sun
    Hi AA Family...See you soon!!!!!!!!!

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  • nice � -- kat fernando, 03:23:48 03/24/05 Thu
    ngayon ko lan ulit napuntahan itong web site ng AA.. ibang-iba na... nakakmiss ang AA--and college life na rin... i bumped into marian gomez late last year sa jollibbee la salle... lalo ko tuloy namimiss ang AA... pero alam ko pasaway akong member... hehehe... keep up the good work guys �

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  • Auditions for Musical in Singapore -- Audrey Curtin, 03:54:56 03/11/05 Fri
    A theatre company in Singapore is on the lookout for suitable performers for a new and original musical "Isfahan"

    "Isfahan" is a love story which takes place across 2 time periods --- 17th Century Persia and Modern-day Iran. 9 Principal characters are required -- 5 Male and 4 Female as well as about 20 Chorus/Dancers to play myriad roles with short lines.

    "Isfahan" will be a very dazzling and stunning musical complete with original songs.

    "Isfahan" plans to be a touring musical with plans to tour Dubai, London, LA and KL in 2006.

    Auditions for "Isfahan" will be held from Friday 29th April till Monday 2nd May 2005 IN SINGAPORE. Please note that this is a long Labour Day weekend

    If you would like to be kept updated of auditions for "Isfahan" or get involved in this effort, please email Ms Audrey Curtin, Administrator, Tabby Cat Theatre (Singapore) at phmov@yahoo.com

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  • Revival Arts Productions -- Noli Magsino, Jr., 14:42:28 01/28/05 Fri
    Dear Friends:

    My name is Noli Magsino, Jr., Company Manager of Revival Arts Productions, Filipino Theater of the Bay Area. I would like to take this opportunity to acquaint you with our theater organization, now in it's 4th year. Over these years, our membership has grown as well as our ambitions to continue our mission of bringing Filipino plays back to life for new generations to appreciate. Looking at your website, I was impressed with your goals and the long and prominent history AA has in the theater arts community. That is the goal of Revival Arts as well. On behalf of the members and staff of RAP, best of luck with your future productions and we hope to hear from you soon!

    For more information on RAP, please visit our website at www.revivalarts.org


    Noli Magsino, Jr.
    Company Manager-Business Relations

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  • Ayos to! -- Xtian, 13:15:51 12/28/04 Tue
    wow, cool developments dito sa site ha (tagal ko na hindi naka-browse dito)..just let me know, if you need help.

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  • Hello from New Zealand -- Myla Alexandra Mercado Bides, 19:59:47 11/15/04 Mon
    HI ALL,
    MY ;)

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  • hi!!!!!!tampo na ko -- hazel, 03:52:39 09/16/04 Thu
    hi!!!wala lang, na-miss ko na kayo eh....kalungkot nmn, prang di nio ko namiss....anyweiz, un mga buddies ko paramdam nmn kau skn ok? eto email add ko...makulit_na_hazel@yahoo.com... add nio n din me s friendster h? and testi ko!!!bye!!!

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  • major prod '04 -- camille, 19:10:00 09/01/04 Wed
    hi everyone.. lapet na major prod! nood kayo lahat ah.. excited na nga ako.. hehe! bat wala gano nagpopost d2?! newei, ingat kayo!

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  • que tal? -- matet, 10:42:04 06/15/04 Tue
    bkt wla ng ngpo2st? mlpt na po auditions... sa mga alumni po bisita naman po kyo sa june 24, same time, same date, same venue... we would be very glad to have you with us on that very special day!! hasta la vista!

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  • Welcome Message -- Joey aka "Joselito Mamaril", 03:47:01 05/02/03 Fri
    First of all, thanks very much for visiting the official forum of "Artistang Artlets." This message board will soon be incorporated with the website.

    The website is currently undergoing some changes but the original format will be kept- thanks to Ate Tezza for starting all of these. We'll just do some updates as there has been a big info gap from 2001 until the present. So, pasensiya na po kung natagalan.

    We're hoping that AA's website will be active again through this very dynamic message board. You can use this board to post messages with "emoticons", images, animations, and other HTML files.

    To start things up, I just want to share that I came across with Ate Lolay twice in SM Megamall- McDo and Starbucks along the Megastrip. I met Kuya Ryan also twice in CCP.

    Ano ang palagay ninyo sa kuro-kurong magiging "production year" ito ng AA at "artistic year" naman sa susunod na administrasyon? Tapos, sa 25th, eh, the "Golden Year of AA?" Astig ba? O, it's always better to have the best of both worlds kung sabihin nga ng iba?

    I'm just throwing some lines for us to discuss. Para 'di naman maging boring ang board na ito.

    Some hi's and hello's to my partners Lucile, Buds and Rose. Lucile, ano'ng suot mo ngayon sa office? Buds, malaki ba kita today? Rose, ano ulam natin? Joke! Saan ka nag-o-OJT ngayon? GMA nga ba? Kay Ate Marriane, hi! All God's Holy best sa inyo! I will give back the pictures mid-May, okay lang po ba? Hi din kay Shellanie- kumusta? Kay Madz, karirin mo ang CCP.

    Okay, that's all for now. Kayo naman diyan! :-)

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  • AA pa rin -- GELOY, 03:33:26 07/14/03 Mon
    hey aa! kahit nasa letran na ako, hindi pa rin sa akin nawawala ang dugong AA! well starting this school year naka tatlong performances agad kami ng DULAANG GAT DULA, and by the end of this month meron ulit. pambihira naman. wala na ako sa UST teatro parin. talaga nga naman na once an AA always an AA. hindi ako nagsisisi na naging parte ako ng AA. pero sana kahit kaming mga wala na sa UST may AA shirt din! hehe ty!
    TY at na-update ang website natin!

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  • nangangamusta po -- josh, 21:32:18 11/29/03 Sat
    hi pips!!! haaay hirap malayo sa AA parang nagiba na talaga mundo ko, pero sana kahit malayo na ko sainyo di nyo pa rin me makalimutan, naiiyak na ko kasi di na ko makasali sa mga prod nyo di ko na kayo makasama kahit gsto ko,pwera biro naiyak ako huhuhu,eniway musta na po kayo mga pips? txt nyo naman ako pag may prod na kahit hangang sa panonood na lng ako, dami kong natutunan d2 guys, minahal ko AA sobra kaya eto up to now mahal ko pa rin kayo kahit wala na me, sana naman iupdate itong site, hayaan nyo pag ka graduate ko ng IT gagawan ko talaga kayo ng website na maganda as in!!!, and lahat ng plays nyo advertised sa web hmmp, ganyan ko kayo ka love!! hi po ate marian!!! sana stay sexy ka po!!! ate lolay ate geng,ate sheryl, ate baleleng,ate jek kayo rin po ang sesexy nyo sa paningin ko hehhehehe,idol kuya christian, kuya rain, ate sheba may forever danceidol, kuya ry!! ate maan miss ko na po kyo!! sa mga di ko nabangit sowee dami eh naiiyak lng ako pag naalala ko kayong lahat, sa mga kabatch mates ko lapit na graduation nyo congrats in advance!!! sa mga badings kuya renzy,kuya pauly,kuya ramesh, musta na rin po kayo sana may mga fafa na kyo!!!,sa lower batch ko musta na rin!!! lalo ka na kamille love talaga kita!!!! friend ka talaga!! jules,mai,richard tama na pangangarir!!! stay strong kayong tatlo sana kahid mga lola na kyo kayo paring tatlo!! heheh,buds, rose, joey, lucille, kayong apat swerte nyo andyan pa kyo ako la na di na me makasama hhuhuhuh, invite nyo naman ako sa prod nyo kelan na ba yan tapos na yata eh, di nyo man lng me invite ka tampo na kayo!!, sa mga lower batch ko sana di kayo magsawa sa AA mahalin nyo to kasi sila unang nagmahal sainyo!! at mamahalin kayo nito 4ever!! tama na nga basa na damit ko sa luha eh, alam ko di ako marunong magdrama dati ngayon naiiyak na ko bakit kaya? love ko talaga kayo!!! cge na haba na nito eh minsan lng naman ako post d2 eh, geloy kaw nga pala b4 i forgot musta ka na sana lahat ng kabatch sa AA na wala na rin sana ko makita ko b4 they graduate!! bye mwaaah! luv u all!!!

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  • Pano mag-add ng pics? -- Lolay_Balingkinitan, 10:47:12 01/13/04 Tue
    Joey, pano ko add yung pic na nasa kin?

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  • To Ate Geng -- Joey, 10:00:36 01/12/04 Mon
    Ate, I don't know if you received my text message before. Right now I haven't claimed my cell yet from the repair shop. Buti na lang you regularly check the forum kaya dito ko na lang sasabihin ulit. Nasa akin pa rin pala 'yung pics. I'll just pass them to Jey Amurao since you see her often, I think. Sa kanya n'yo na lang po kunin dahil hindi tayo makapag-set ng definite date because of our schedules. Don't worry, I'll remind her always about it. Sige po, thanks!

    PS: Or, do you prefer that they should stay in my keeping still? Hihintayin ko po ang reply ninyo.

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  • aa ng buhay ko -- lucille, 05:19:29 01/11/04 Sun
    my dear AA..kumusta na ba ang lahat? ang damidaming ginagawa sa skul ngayon, naiinis ako.sana matapos na dahil gusto ko na mag-AA..Joey dear, mukhang magtutuos tayo mamaya.Kumusta ang lahat? i hope you guys are ready for the minor prod..pero mag-aral pa rin ng maigi ok?hay.i want to get back to the action..di bale, malapit na..hello p sa mga minamahal kong seniors..alam niyo po kung sino kayo..cha mary,i-invite mo ako sa play mo ah?

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  • Hello! -- Steeve, 05:40:03 01/04/04 Sun
    Hi guys! Musta n kau? Well, blated hapi new yir nlng sa lhat! Mis ko n kau lhat. C u in skul i ges... La me mpost d2 kaya kng anu ano nlng cnsbi ko. He!he!

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  • postings and stuff -- geng, 01:04:57 12/24/03 Wed
    uuy mga ka-AA kumusta na kayo. thanks for inviting me sa last play ninyo. eto, nangangamusta lang. joey, though i have said it before i will say it again, please don't forget my pictures ha, give it to me kapag napagsawaan ninyo na. kasi you know naman we can get sentimental and stuff. so before i go through another vagina operation please give it back. good luck din sa mga love life ng mga lola ninyo. hi paulie, rency, ramesh, ate lolay et al. my lovely batchmates: marian, sheryl, shannie, magoo, zazu, yana. i-friendster ninyo naman ako. chos!

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  • cheka! feliz navidad AA pips! -- mads 3rd yr (pota andami na kaseng mads eh..), 00:08:37 12/20/03 Sat
    la lang, merry xmas lang sa mga utash sa AA. thanks sa lahat ng nagpunta nung major prod and god bless!! sa mga tibo na nakiparty sa amin sa malate nung paskuhan.. mabuhay tayong mga tiborcia sa AA hehe.. :-)
    sa aking mga ka-P.S. Puso sa AA -- mahal ko kayo mga bagla! xmas vacation lang, nangungulila na ko kagad! o sya.. tama nang inarte ito, di bagay sa tomboy (cheka!!) na tulad ko!

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  • aa site -- teza ganda, 15:20:43 11/26/03 Wed
    dude, what happened to the site? why do I keep getting dead links?

    anyway, hello to everyone in AA who still knows me!

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  • Coming up! -- Joey, 19:13:33 10/28/03 Tue
    Yes, Ate Geng! Malapit na. Medyo busy lang. It will be updated within this week- or at least, renovated. Sana magustuhan ninyo ang bagong design. Simple lang at mas maaliwalas.

    See ya!

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  • just droppings by...(shits, actually) -- cha paulie, 21:30:11 10/23/03 Thu
    uyy, mga AA friends and everything. musta na kayo diyan. at kung sa mga oras na ito ay napapaquit na kayo, magquit na kayo kasi in furness, hindi naman talaga maganda organisasyon na ito - it's like comparing arithmetics to volcanology kase..you know...siyempre joke ito..just dropping by, wanna say hello to the following - geng, marian, sheryl, rench, lolay, mesh, xtian, shanii, rain, at kung sino pang nilalang who touched my innermost clitoris and took me to heaven for the time being.

    mga mare, ireto naman niyo ako sa mga bisexuals sa organization niyo - i mean, THE....:) just keep in touch, im always here..cha paulie

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  • wow -- geng, 09:47:40 10/23/03 Thu
    wa na pala gaano tau dito ngayon...
    joey, update niyo na to..
    para ma-excite ang mga utaw...
    sayang naman ang pinag-paguran...
    medyo panis na rin ang balita...


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  • Wala lang -- AA BAby, 04:20:16 10/13/03 Mon
    Wala lang, napadaan lang dito sa site. Tagal na palang walang nagpopost dito... Kaya naisipan kong magpost. Ala ako masabi pa sa mga taotao kasi ala pa akong masyadong kaclose sa AA maliban kina Ate BArbie, Ate JAde at Ate Dewi, pati na rin kay Kuya Jords at Kuya Goodie.

    Hello Ate Barbs...
    Hello Ate JAde...
    Hello Ate Dewi...
    Hello KUya Jords...
    Hello Kuya Goodie...
    Love yah all!!!

    Hello na rin sa lahat

    Good Luck sa MAjor Prod na AA this year "Ligawang Ligaw"!!!

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  • hellowee -- maia, 06:06:58 08/30/03 Sat
    hellow ate geng! Ate marian, ate sheryl!!!! miss ko na kayo! sobra~ sya nga po pala. birthday ko po sa september 13. sa lipa, batangas nga lang...pero kaya yan... la lang...ingat po kayo. i mis you!!!

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  • Malik Mata -- Joselito Mamaril, 10:49:32 08/23/03 Sat
    Fellow AA peeps, try searching for AA via Yahoo's search engine. Type Artistang Artlets. Check ninyo lahat ng mga nakalista. It's very interesting to know that we are acknowledged by many as a serious theatre guild. I even came accross this line: The theater guild of University of Santo Tomas (Philippines). At wa' ang Teatro. We are put side by side with Tanghalang Ateneo and UP's. Nothing, I just feel good about it. Kaya galingan pa natin.

    Maagang panawagan sa lahat: Manood po kayong lahat ng Mister and Miss AB this September. AA will co-organize the pageant with ABSC and I can feel that everybody's putting his best foot forward. Paghahandaan po namin 'to ng mabuti at nawa'y 'di kami balikan ng salot ng nakaraang taon. It will be something to look forward to. Malay natin, baka maging official pageant organizer ang AA ng UST in the future? Carry ba?

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  • the wayward grasses -- genghis khan of the khan dynasty, 08:13:54 07/24/03 Thu
    hello everyone!

    joey: it's ok about the pictures. siguro naman
    makukuha ko yun before i get pregnant out of wedlock.

    marian: i know that you were joking.. hehe..
    God has plans for us... chance meeting...

    jey amurao and julz: happy birthday!! belated!!

    TO THE WAYWARD GRASSES: be humble...
    once you're on top there's no way to go but down..
    but it helps to keep your feet humble and
    rooted so it doesn't hurt that much.
    practice humility the way we practice our bowel movements.

    TO THE NON-WAYWARD GRASSES: sing in the rain
    and plant camote...

    bye everyone!

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  • Wow naman! -- Joselito Mamaril, 02:21:23 07/15/03 Tue
    Wow naman! Active ang mga "chatters" dito, ha!?! Nakakatuwang isipin na madaming dumadalaw sa site. Gandang tingnan ng message board natin, ang daming messages. Sana maka-1,000 hits tayo!

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  • oops! -- ako ulit!, 01:34:12 07/15/03 Tue
    advance happy birthday nga din pala kay rEgi! good luck sa adver!!!

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  • para sa lahat -- marian, 01:31:35 07/15/03 Tue
    hello!!! busy-busyhan na ba sa pangangarir ng mga "bata"? mweheheh. in furness, na-miss ko yan... ang ma-meet at ma-experience ang mga bagong members. pa'no ba yan. kitakits na lang sa showcase ng mga apprentice. for sure makakapunta ko as i have plenty of time at my disposal. btw, invited ba k'me? (loko lang buds!) wait! sino si "�ndeya" at bakit malapit na syang ma-debarr? hoy gaga ka, mag-aral ka ngang mabuti! sa lahat, ingat at ayusin niyo ang inyong mga buhay-buhay. hoy geng, loko lang!! chinika kc sa'kin ni buds at baleleng ang inyong chanced meeting. so, sisihin pa rin ba ang universe sa inyong pagkikita? hmm. oshasha. advance happy birthday julius brill at jennica eddy!! luv u luvu muah!

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  • Pictures -- Joselito Mamaril, 11:45:49 07/14/03 Mon
    Ate geng, I have to admit na hanggang ngayon hinid pa nai-scan ang mga picture. Medyo may problema kasi ang scanner ni Jade. I will look for another alternative- Richard Uy, maybe? Basta, I will try to remedy the problem so that you can have them na sa workshop or sa awards night. Attend kayong lahat, bongga daw ang "oraciones." Speaking of Oraciones, talaga? APM si Ate Sherylou sa production? Big time 'yun, 'di ba? If I am not mistaken sa CCP 'yun.

    i am sorry kung hindi masyadong naa-update ang site. Siguro after ng awards night, meron na kayong makikitang kakaiba dito.

    Hehehehe... the campaign for the 25th anniversary is already starting. Sana tuloy-tuloy na 'to. Sa mga lower batches, pag-igihan na ninyo habang maaga. Kayo ang ha-handle ang lahat ng mga k-AA-rtehan sa anniversary- of course with the help of the older generations.

    More later!

    PS: Manood din pala kayo ng MMAB this September. Sa wakas, matutupad din ang pangarap! Kakaiba daw ang effect, sana mapanindigan namin ang kalupaan, katubigan, kahanginan, kaapuyan, kauudan, kabatohan, kabuhanginan at iba pang mga elemento.

    Thanks din pala sa support ng lahat!

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  • like THE! -- Genghis Khan of Mongolia, 01:48:23 07/13/03 Sun
    hello again friends, Romans and countrymen of AA. i just happened to drop by sa UST these past few weeks at medyo miss ko na nga ang tabing na bumubuhay sa atin. joey, sana maibalik ang artsy fartsy pictures ko na dapat ay ipapaskin dito sa website. ok so much for the brouhaha. BE HUMBLE.
    Marian, hindi ako malantod. Nagkataon lang...
    Hi sa mga utaw. Lalo na sa mga taga-fairview.
    Hi din kay Shellanie.. sa mga fortunate buddies ko na si Crizza and PIBS...
    Watch out for Sheryl Polancos... APM siya sa

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  • AA material -- Endeya, 02:40:50 07/10/03 Thu
    Kamusta fellow AAs?
    Hehe!! Nakakatuwa site natin ano?
    Kuya Joey!! Felicidades!!
    God, how I love AA!!
    That's why I treasure this org so much, before I'm out of school!! Malapit nang ma-debarr, mga 2nd sem of 4th year!!(Knock2xthe wood)
    Mahirap kasing i-absorb ang lahat sa AA kaya't ganito na lang message ko...
    Let us put all our efforts to the next prod, para matuwa tayo at para sa "pride" at "respect" ng ating mga alumni!!
    Love you cha marian!!

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  • sherylou polancos -- goodie, 22:55:04 06/29/03 Sun
    ate sheryl, tnx for droppin by d auditions held last week.
    na miss talaga kita... yngats palagi... mahal kita... at ng cubaoers....

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  • helo!!!!! -- ni�a esguerra ( batch 2001), 23:50:19 06/26/03 Thu
    hi AA pips!!! musta na kayo? well, its been a long time... how i wished i was there to witness the success of your productions... musta na mga batch mates ko? Tin, Chickie, Maan, Teza atbp? marian, baleleng, geng, muzta? keep in touch na lang... Keep the theater fire burning!!! mis u all guys...

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  • chenelin kimberly -- buds, 22:56:41 06/24/03 Tue
    hi po sa lahat!
    i wud like to thank lahat ng alumni n pumunta sa audition. sobrang salamat po sa support. kina ate geng at cha mary. hmmmmmmmmm. thank you po sa pag-intindi. san po pumunta lahat uli sa showcase ng mga apprentice. gudlack. sa lahat naman pong alumni n d nakapunta. may next time pa naman po. sa showcae po at lahat. thank you po.

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  • cooking with beans -- gengcooker, 09:51:52 06/20/03 Fri
    hello everyone. joey, i have sum pictures of the last farewell party. jey amurao has the film, advantix nga lang.
    buds, good luck sa audition niyo, sana payagan ako dumalo. mga ka-batch ko... magkita kita naman tayo for theatre's sake and paulie, ramesh and others who were one year ahead of us... especially paulie... good luck for whatever road may take you lalong lalo na sa search for THe One and the un-One. yun lang.. wala lang magawa, i'm in one of life cycle's crisis. be HUMBLE...

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  • joey -- rain, 03:12:05 06/20/03 Fri
    joey, i have pictures of toreng garing, might be able to drop by on the 24th. paano ba gamtin yung scroll sa iba pang layak, di ko makita yung ibang pixs e.

    miss kita. we need to talk hehehhhehe, marami ako kwento sayo.

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  • Galing!! -- Del, 08:07:15 06/18/03 Wed
    Joey, galing2! As in! Good job tlga. Nwy, hello sa lhat! Gud luck na lang sa freshmen orient80n 2m! And, hello din po sa mga mhal naming alumni...Ate Geng, Cha Mary at sa lhat po! Un lang. Joey, may mga Toreng pics ak, i'll check tas bgay ko sau, kei.:-)

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  • In Emphasis -- Tristan, 02:33:52 06/16/03 Mon
    Sorry for my double post earlier. Nakakahiya.

    Favorite ko yung History... lalo na yung may picture ng mga officers. Very creative. And, of course, gusto ko yung PRODUCTIONS part. Neatly done.

    Any ordinary person wouldn't be able to create a webpage like this.

    Love, I'm very proud. I'm very proud of you, that you gave your best in this worthwhile endeavor.

    I love you!


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  • I CRIED -- angeli, 02:17:35 06/16/03 Mon
    hi joey! good job. i almost cried. pano yun i don't have any picture of me sa larawang kapilas? id like to suggest that you also give the summary of the play and add more features like did you know that? Blah blah is an AA member? kahit hindi pa kilala sa Pinas, basta taga-AA dati.

    ok. just keep it coming.


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  • rainbow connnection -- cha paulie, 18:44:53 06/16/03 Mon
    guys, miss ko na kayo lahat diyan sa tabing..how i wish bigyan ako ng break ni budz!! para magact kahit taga tinda ng mani sa kanto..leche ka galema!! itinakwil mo ang sarili mong ina!!:) anyways, i appreciate the efforts kung sino man ang may mga kagagawan ng website na ito at alam ko na malaki ang maitutulong nitong website in terms of communication among alumni and present aa members..nawa'y bigyan kayo ni holy spirit ng enough strength and determination...sa lahat na batchmates ko -- lolay, rency, mesh, xtian, rain, fritz, myla (alam ko marami pa akong nakalimutan - but don't take it personally)-- miss ko na kayo, sana sa June 24 pumunta tayo at drop by lang or inom tayo..at sa present aa members, alam ko may identity crisis kayo at sana'y makatulong ang aa sa paglago ng inyong itinanim na binhi..

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  • To b a r o k -- Joselito Mamaril, 21:49:31 06/15/03 Sun
    Hello, po! First of all, thanks for the appreciation. Sige po, I will do some editing. I'm sorry for the not so accurate information and links. Pero, pwede po bang malaman yung full name ninyo para may idea naman ako kung kanino ako nakikipag-coordinate. Si Ate Tezza po ba ito? Or older member? You seem to know a lot about the organization's history.

    Again, thanks! Your help is very much valued.

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  • WOW! -- matet, 05:17:40 06/15/03 Sun
    wow naman! ayos na ang website! thanks kuya joey! ur da greatest!

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  • Ola! -- Joey aka "Joselito Mamaril", 10:11:09 06/12/03 Thu
    Hi, Richard (si Richard ka nga ba, o si Buds?) Thanks for your anticipation. Medyo nagkaroon lang ako ng technical problem sa bahay- 3 days kong prinoblema, "medyo" pa rin ba 'yun? Anyway, naka-up na uli ang site natin ngayon. Kulang nga lang ng ibang inputs. Actually, gawa na 'yung iba, pero naka-store pa sa PC ko dahil may mga kulang-kulang pa such as the photos for Larawang Kapila-Puso.

    Just bear with me, konti na lang.

    Thanks and see ya!

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  • tita joey.. -- goddess, 23:53:57 06/11/03 Wed
    tita joey, kala ko ba opening na nung other ah? excited pa naman me na makita na ung website natin.. anyway, sige pagbutihin mo pa.. ok? bye!! dito me sa lib.. break eh!! peste 3 hrs na break, anong gagawin ko diba? take care!!

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  • paulie... -- rain, 09:25:01 06/11/03 Wed
    haaay kakaiba naman ang nakadisplay na picture sa website natin ngayon. how i miss my queen of engaland. kamusta kayong lahat dyan....

    budz, yung pinagusapan natin ha!!!! hehehehehe

    muling bumabati,

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  • la lang -- goodie, 00:05:32 05/29/03 Thu
    musta na lahat. salamat sa mga nagpaparamdam dyan. i appreciate all d things you did.kinig kayo rx minsan, hu knows, marinig niyo aa dun... salamat uli.

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  • Mula sa lusak and Back -- gengki delos reyes, 23:20:29 05/18/03 Sun
    hi guys! how is everyone? hows your academic lives as well? may made-debarr na ba? hopefully none. iv bin a bit nostalgic, eversince julz texted me about asking for help with regards to some sort of AA tagline to be imprinted on a freakin shirt, tarpoline and what have yous. That's nice, pero at that time i can't help but loose my appetite for friggin yearning to be back at school again and do AA stuff. anyway, the moment fleeted. i'll have a dose of it siguro when i watch you guys do away with your own sa auditions or next prod. just sharin. Hala! magsabog kayo ng lagim sa AB, talbugan niyo lalong lalo na yung baguhan... hay nako, past is past and some of them are my real good friends.

    I saw jey amurao perform on her showcase at PETA, she was one of the lead like i was before and i think she's making waves.. naku buds sino susunod na ipadadala sa PETA? ok. tapos na.

    ps. oo nga pala! how's joey and madz's workshop? may culminating activity ba kayo? madz, nakikita mo ba ssi mam faye dun?

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  • Nanggugulo lang -- Antonio F. Bonifacio III, 21:20:13 05/18/03 Sun
    Ano na nangyari sa website? Sino ang naga-upgrade? Mabuti naman at may mabuting nilalang na nakaisip na baguhin ang site.
    Kumusta na po ang lahat? Sana lang maging maganda ang simula ng AA para sa taong ito (masyado bang profound?).
    Anyway, nanggugulo lang po. B-)

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  • mga ginagamit na sabong panlaba -- paulie exotica lady jazz, 02:43:41 05/18/03 Sun
    guys, musta na ang buhay buhay..parang kailan lang, nagsasama tayo sa agos ng panahon..all through the course of this road, i believed we have all enjoyed what was life to store for us..hope we'll carry along the values we have learned in our beloved theater group..i had so much fun and beautiful memories with some of the most beautiful people i have ever known..what really matters now is that we are breathing life and life is about friends whom we find in one of our special stopovers...

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  • kuya joey!!! -- matet, 05:43:09 05/17/03 Sat
    hi! we are all grateful that in spite of your busy summer schedule, with your ojt and all, you still had time to update our website! we all appreciate it! if you need any help, especially with pictures, feel free to contact me and the other cubaoers... we will be glad to be of service to you! goodluck! i know AA will be in for a BIG surprise when you finish the website! =)

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  • Especially for Kuya Shanny -- Joselito Mamaril, 18:46:27 05/15/03 Thu
    Kuya Shanwar, meron po ba tayong lights layout ng Albertus Magnus, Rizal Con, TARC and Medicine Aud? Plus the theater specifications? Please reply here or text me na lang. Salamat. Bye! :-)

    And for the rest of AAkind, post naman kayo! Anything, just as long it makes sense.

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  • Simply Amazing -- Joselito Mamaril, 22:01:19 05/11/03 Sun
    Lucile! Wow, sayang at hindi kita nakasama sa show ng Amazing Theater. Hindi natuloy yung friend ko, so sana pala ikaw na lang talaga yung sinama ko. You missed half of your life. It was such a musical EXTRAVAGANZA! Wala ang Las Vegas. I guess they were able to maximize both their instruments and talents. Pero ang instructor ko, 'di pa rin kontento sa ginawa ng lights designer, chuk-chak pa rin. The LD was humble enough naman to accept constructive criticisms.

    Ang gaganda ng mga bakla. Pang-Miss Venezuela ang dating- no exage. By the way, hindi gumagamit ng babae ang Amazing. Bakla at lalake lang, wala ng iba. Julz, you have to watch the show. Examin the set and the costume designs. They are spectacular!

    Hehehe... magkahiramang-suklay kami ngayon ng director ng Amazing. He'll let me watch it again together with my pal. Ang bait niya. He's my classmate in the workshop.

    Madz, galingan mo! Magmaganda ka na sa lahat while you still have the opportunity.

    Thanks again for patronizing the board.

    See ya!

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  • HI!!!! -- Richard "with the best clerical skill in town" Uy, 19:56:35 05/07/03 Wed
    hi.. tita joey!! infairness ah.. talagang ngang wagi itong ginagawa mo.. dapat ang kasali sa game yung mga sophomores lang.. naabutan naman ng seniors and junior yan eh.. ano naman yang mahiwagang calculator na yan? anyway, hi cha mary!! hindi ka naman nag-eemail saakin ah.. excited na me sa kalalabasan nitong website na ito.. hay.. tita joey, tandaan mo theater guild and gagawan mo ng website hindi beauty pageant ah.. hahaha � take care.. see you when i see you everyone.. bye..

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  • YEY! GALENG! -- Teza Ganda, 10:31:20 05/06/03 Tue
    YEY! Finally someone is fixing up the site! Good luck, Joey and just email me if you need help.

    Hello to everyone!

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  • Hoy Joeyboy!!!!!!!! -- Marian aka cha mary, 04:02:55 05/04/03 Sun
    joeyboy aka joselito mamaril... waw! ulit, i'm happy someone finally had the initiative (nga ba?)na i-update ang mahiwagang website nyo, ahem NATIN pa rin pala! im glad to be of help kahit papano. ive told you this, sobrang im proud of you guys! ke-production year yan, ke-artistic year pa, im always behind you... syempre sentimental na naman ako. enough! hmm.. para kunwari may sense naman ako, well, my thoughts on that?? a balance is always healthy. pero i take it na hindi porke't prod'n or artistic year, ibig sabihin papabayaan nyo na yung "kabilang" aspect. siguro mas magfo-focus lang naman kyo sa isa noh? basta excited na ko sa 25th anniv, kc mga cubaoers and batchmates for sure ang magtatawag sa kanilang ever-supportive alumni (kasama na syempre k'me don!)...ahem, so anong tawag n'yo sa year past? parehong successful ang both sides! heheh.. syempre tulong-tulong t'yo eh. basta, kung anoman ang mga ganap nyo this year, for sure yayanigin nyo ang AB! good luck. i trust you, sobra sobra. hi to everyone. i miss you. i love you all. tsaka na ko magpapakita pag sobrang nakapag-detach na ko sa inyo. hu-hu! yak! ingat parati, God bless!!!!!!!!!

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  • Mukha- 'fez' sa AA jargon -- Joselito Mamaril, 03:55:55 05/02/03 Fri
    So, what do you think pala about the image in the index page? Para sa mga juniors at seniors na hindi na naabutan ang mahiwagang imaheng 'yun, can you guess who he or she is? Magkakaloob ng magical calculator ang kung sino mang makasagot.

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