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Subject: -(Cursed)-

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Date Posted: 20:37:30 08/15/03 Fri

[Human odditie enters the land, silver orbs catching every movement, he seeked out a quest, for something in return]

Name: Jiro
Age: Unknown, estimated 2500 years, looks around 19
Spiecies: Human/Werewolf/wolf/vampire
Appearence: Though lacking sharp teeth or anything dangerous looking, a regal presence is about him. Two kodachis are beside his waist. Dark, midnight hued tresses, silver orbs. Most often wears a large tan overcoat and a navy shirt and pants, sometimes wears a black japenese-looking t-shirt and pants with white edges.
Powers Aquired: Shapeshift through three forms, Hanyou, Human, Wolf, when wearing a special charm necklace he has a specal connection with the one wearing the other charm, will only work for his sister, he becomes stronger and faster. he is already fast at that, He can move at speed of which he only looks like a blur, he can give himself the abilities of a wolf without the appearence, but know how seeks another power, as he sees the dangers of this world/
Power Requested: The power to control metal and manipulate it(hint hint, like Magneto on the X-Men)

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~We can be saved by a hero~Ferde Von Pelt07:09:08 08/18/03 Mon

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