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Subject: :::Flight is a gift:::

Winged Beauty
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Date Posted: 22:39:36 08/29/03 Fri
In reply to: Ferdie Von Pelt 's message, "We can be saved by a hero" on 19:48:26 08/29/03 Fri

((ah, its ok!))

The wolfess watched wide-eyed as Ferdie mumbled some words and the items blended together to form a fairly small puddle on the ground. A weak smile was given and she placed a paw forward slowly, getting closer to the strange liquid. Sandy-hued head lowered and a pink tongue flicked to the water tentativley. It didnt taste much different from normal water so she finished drinking it and looked back up at Ferdie, unsure if she was supposed to feel different. So she could just think of becoming human or will for someone else to become human and it would happen huh? Well, maybe she should test it....she wasnt sure what she should do actually. Amber eyes rested on the wise alpha before her, not alpha here, but at AM he was. Widley respected Ferdie, wonderful leader, kind wolf.

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Subject Author Date
We can be save by a heroFerdie Von Pelt05:42:37 08/30/03 Sat

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