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Subject: Aw//

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Date Posted: 12:44:16 08/31/03 Sun
In reply to: Fear Factor 's message, "\/\/\/Fear Factor\/\/\/" on 12:34:10 08/31/03 Sun

Tears come to her eyes but her voice remains strong.. She nods.. "Ok.. (sniffs and pretends to be strong) You are granted for one fight: One use of healing powers, two uses of fire, three uses of water. Also, you wil have teh ability to fly once, and not for too long. Take this and it will be yours, but beware, you may only use it once. You can not save the powers for after whatever fight you use it in. If you only use two water powers in your fight, you cant save teh extra for afterwards. Make the most of it." She hands her a small chain (like an anklet for around her leg). It is dainty and silver, so that after its one sue, it will fall apart and break. On the chain is a large diamond in a taerdrop shape. When oen looks at it and concentrates, you can see a little figure of Dido's Love. It shows her whatever she is doing at that exact instant, so it is a miniauture her. If you lose the challenge, the diamond will fall apart and Didos spirit will be released. If you win, it will break, but a necklace exactly the same as this (along with a little Dido inside) will apear aroudn your neck..

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