Subject: .:|:.H.u.n.t.e.r.:|:. |
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Date Posted: 06:33:41 10/01/03 Wed
The earthen wolfess trotted into the lands, an rather large egg shell fizated in her jaw. Tenderly she places t dwn and howls for the quest giver. She had returned not with a live dragon egg, but a used one. Could she still get to turn into a tiger?
Subject: .:|:.A.Q.u.e.s.t.I.B.e.O.n.:|:.
Date Posted: 22:02:06 09/30/03 Tue
The tainted figure of the slim wolfess slinks forward, midas tinged orbs scanning the lands with her usual noncholant attitude. Nares quiver as the scent of the leathery reptiles are inhaled, an aroma which sent a tingling sensation up her spine. Formidable opponents dragons were, very.
Throwing her weight on her haunches her slender maw is lifted, parting to unleash her summoning call.
"I seek a still living dragon egg, one which I will return."
She gazed about expectantly, yet started to wonder just how willing a dragon would be to hand its egg over to her. Such a difficult object needed.
Subject: Quest
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Date Posted: 23:30:09 09/25/03 Thu
In reply to: Shardul 's message, ".:|:.A.Q.u.e.s.t.I.B.e.O.n.:|:." on 20:36:03 09/19/03 Fri
A wolf? The presence stricks her as odd, yet it was not the first time a species different from her own had entered the territory. But as she listens to its inquiry, she realizes the grave intensity of what it asks for.
"No. Parting with our unborn for such a rediculous reason will never happen." She proclaims. Trailing her words, she motions for the wolf not to leave, however. At least not empty-handed. The dragonness presents a cracked and empty dragon shell-spotted purple over its creamy white self. "Give them this instead. If those Quest-bearers have any heart, they will still reward you for your courage."
[> [> Subject: .:|:.H.u.n.t.e.r.:|:.
Date Posted: 22:02:06 09/30/03 Tue
Her heart sinks as the negative command is issued, not only because hs ewas denied but because they actually had an egg. Yet the leader was kind, and her hopes raised as the broken shell was offered to her.
"The quest giver is a new individual, so I fear it shall be difficult, but perhaps I can manage some wheeling and dealing."
a half-hearted grin etches along her features as she tenderly takes the shell into her jaw and pads away.
[wow this is really hard because a lot of dragons don't have eggs, and this is the only one I found that did and they wouldn't give me the egg, so ya...]
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