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Date Posted: 11:47:33 12/15/07 Sat
Author: Lanny
Author Host/IP: d043.v53.ksa.wbsnet.net /
Subject: Re: running the 600's and the jr's
In reply to: ryan hill 's message, "jr. sprint" on 21:43:49 12/13/07 Thu

Mr. Hill, maybe while you are looking for a Jr. Sprint, you might help us find your buddy Shane. I believe there is still the matter of $5,000 that is due the club for 2006.

As for finding a Jr. Sprint, advertise in the want ads in the newspaper. I a sure there are some in Liberal, Dodge City and Garden City. At one time there were quite a number of these running.

>no one seems to know where any of these cars
>are.......ive looked for a week every night
>myself....cant find any...if u cant find any to race
>the class cant grow can it ..... therefore if a
>kidwell or bailie or something thas has suspension is
>availavle why not let them run.....acording to the one
>who responded to my last message he says the carts he
>has gets to run at the shootout and he thinks
>aparently are competative.....so why not let em
>run......oh and as far as u being rude .. i could care
>less what u think of me and if u only got 5000 in your
>600 you got in cheap .. way cheap if u dont know me
>ive ran these cars in multi,a,and nonwing and i am one
>of the only ones who has race the shootout from around
>here so i do think i know a little about this.....i am
>not knocking the class i have a 6 year old son who
>wants to get into it on our off weekends of racing
>myself....all i am saying is why cant these cars run
>if u yourself say yours is competative why not let
>these cars run /////////does anyone object

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