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Date Posted: 21:38:57 12/15/07 Sat
Author: Dave Frazer
Author Host/IP: ip68-103-34-243.ks.ok.cox.net /
Subject: Jr. Sprints

Mr. Hill - I'm sorry that you feel the way you do about Jr. Sprint racing at Airport Raceway. I think it has been a great start to a sorely missed part our raceway family. An addition that's very importat to the future of the raceway.

The reason we even have Jr's at the racewy is one man's desire to see his son race and have fun. Thanks to Rocky Watson for his hard work.

The Sherpa chassis that Rocky Watson, Chad Boone, Chris Moore, Butch Leiker and everyone else runs are the mainstay. Why would we make 99% change to satisfy one percent. Rocky and I will help you all we can to locate a chassis if that is your choice. Your other choice is to buy a suspended car and convince 5 others to do the same and then start a class of suspended cars much the same way that Mr. Watson did. (6 cars are requirement)

Suspended Jr's may be the future and the availibilty is certainly a plus, but for now it's run what we have.

Airport Raceway is interested in and will help promote all classes. Call me with questions or comments anytime.

Dave Frazer, President Garden City Airport Raceway
620-275-2797 or 620-271-7666

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