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Date Posted: 11:37:12 12/18/07 Tue
Author: Lanny
Author Host/IP: d043.v53.ksa.wbsnet.net /
Subject: 2 places you might check
In reply to: Rocky Watson 's message, "Jr Sprints" on 18:23:44 12/16/07 Sun

I thought of a couple guys you might check with for Jr. Sprints. Mark Mayfield, GC, Mark Gigot, GC and Tony Bruce in Liberal. They all had Jr.s at one time. Will keep thinking.

>thanks for chime'n in on our Jr Sprint conversations,
>I will say good or bad it's great to have this
>interest! (Now if i can get this interest in a 600
>restrictor class!)
>1. Ryan thanks for coming on and showing interest.
>2. Be open and nice about everything on the forum
>there are many people who don't like these racing
>forums because they seem to lead to black eyes instead
>of helping everyone communicate like they are intented
>to do.
>3. Patience, it's December and you've come in an put
>your name in the ring for wanting to be a part of
>this, give everyone time to think about where these
>cars are and to call friends and buddys looking for
>4. Alternatives, we do have one car that running with
>us that is a pavement quarter midget and it runs
>great, topeka and tulsa and the front range of
>colorado have many cars for sale. What aboue QRC cars?
>5. The future of this class probably is
>kidwell/bailey/pmp jr sprints but give us time to get
>there, and to get over the investment we all just made
>in the cars we have.
>We welcome you and want your kids racing, lets use the
>next couple of months to help you and the others find
>these cars.
>rocky watson
>mullinville ks

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  • Re: Jr Sprints -- Moore, 11:54:56 12/18/07 Tue (NoHost/

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