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Subject: Re: How!?!?!?!

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Date Posted: 23:36:36 03/09/04 Tue
In reply to: Ryan 's message, "How!?!?!?!" on 21:48:23 03/08/04 Mon

Forget what I just said above. I didnt take into acount that we are under his command and so our units show up as his. So I think. Plz, tell me if im wrong. But i have to say my 5 guys are pimp. Take a look...

Your soldiers march onto the battlefield

Your generals report on your army's status:

4 of your soldiers are trained attack specialists
1 of your army consists of untrained soldiers

All 4 of your trained soldiers receive weapons

4 are given a Long Sword

All 1 of your untrained soldiers receive weapons

1 are given a Knife

Your field scouts report on the status of the enemy:

None of the enemy's 0 trained soldiers have weapons

The enemy has 1 untrained soldiers with weapons and 12 with no weapons

Both sides charge!
Your army strikes!

Your troops inflict 300 damage on the enemy!
The enemy sustains 0 casualties!

birdy_nuts's forces counter-attack and inflict 16 damage on your army!
Your army sustains 0 casualties!

Your generals report on your weapon damage:

Long Sword

All were used
None were found to be sabotaged
Weapon strength went from 20 to 19


All were used
None were found to be sabotaged
Weapon strength went from 5 to 4

You crushed the enemy!

As birdy_nuts's army runs from the battlefield you examine the collected spoils:
You stole 9,690 gold from birdy_nuts!
You return to camp, your troops elated from your glorious victory.

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Subject Author Date
Re: How!?!?!?!JESSE18:18:22 03/28/04 Sun

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