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Date Posted: 07:30:28 11/30/03 Sun
¶Noble Beloved¶

Subject: Adora

The young dark hued mare trots in banner flowing out genty behind her, mane blowing back from her delacte features she stops looking around and whickering softly banner lax auds stand atop crown alertly dark eyes glowing warmly.

¶Adora (beloved)



¶Kind and loveing never talks back unless its for the others safty she had a previous foal the father not of theese lands that was taken by wolves and that had scared her for life she is afraied of any k9 abd will kill them on sight she had stoped talking to any equien but if you can get her to talk to you you know you'v gained her trust.

names in bold means their dead

Winters Beloved (Adora xXx Winters light)



¶Trusted ones¶


The sun spreads crimsonly over everything
Illuminating both the present and long ago

In this dusk,
is the painted imagination
really something
this hand can't manage?

Now more than ever
become revealed
and teach me the way to go out and live
Only a little more
and I'll become dirty

So I'll do it alone
Even if I'm wounded The song of truth
is flowing in my breast

Arguments are
still continuing
Which path is now
the most precious?

I become reckless
and overlook things
For instance, somebody's gentle smile

I know eternity
No matter what kind of darkness,
pain will also vanish someday.
So now is the time to do it
I'll disgrace myself

I saw the long ago past
In a castle of the sky
The someday continues to struggle on
I'll make the song of truth my guide

I know eternity
No matter what kind of darkness,
pain will also vanish someday
The song of truth is
flowing in my breast

Now more than ever
I'll disgrace myself
Only a little more
and I'll disgrace myself

I'll make the song of truth
into my guide

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