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Date Posted: 21:49:04 02/06/04 Fri
Author: Abaddon
Subject: Even Angels Fall

There were excited whickers among the herd, though they were hushed and low. "An angel" a soft voice was heard saying. "She can be no other". More agreed. No horse they new fell from the sky, bruised and beaten. In their opinion, for their minds were not too developed, a heavenly being was as close to truth as possible. The little white flicka opened her dark eyes to stare about. Others stood about her, admiring the 'angel' that they had found. How could she tell them that she had been tossed over the cliff by the twolegs? They didnot believe her stories, and instead prayed to their little angel. But a dark secret finally escaped the lips of the yaoung mare, and she was soon exiled. She still carried her name, Abaddon, the birnger of light, the fallen angel...

The wind whispers...Abaddon*
The label given...Angel*
Blood in veins...Arab*
Earths rotations...Five*
Personality...Shy, quiet, mysterious, unobtrusive*
From the seed of...the long since dead Alabaster*
And the egg of...Heaven Sent*
Known kin...none*
Lovers or loved...none*

Morning broke over the mountains, the sky as pale as milk. Abaddon shook grey rock-dust from her shaggy hide before staring into space, dark orbs lacking luster. Skull moved heavenward as she peered to the top of one collosal peak. A brief glimps of relief flashed over her features before the unresponsive aura settled back around her. Her story was a painful one, though she is willing to share... Auds flicked about nervously to drink in sounds. There were none. Finally, lifting one painful stilt, she was off again at a brisk sprint, barely seeming to touch the grass, she pelted toward the entrance to the new lands she had never seen before...

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