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Google bus news

July 8th Australian I.T.Perth will announce a successful tenderer for its public transport ticketing system within weeks
http://australianit.news.com.au/articles/0,7204,6714798^15397^^nbv^,00.html http://www.cards-worldwide.com/2003/cards_AU/confprog.asp Day One: Tuesday 2 September ------------------------------------------------------------ 08.00 Registration and coffee 09.00 Opening remarks from the Chair ITSO is a strategic initiative supported by the major bus and rail transport organisations of the UK and the UK Government to provide interoperable contactless smartcard based ticketing.
115  is  a resistance/supportline.113 111 109 107 105 103 101  99 97 95 93 91 89 87
Richard Fleming, Chair, Asia Pacific Smart Card Forum
NTA Melbourne Age 17/7/03  based on 267,503,037 shares on issue equals 0.9756898573080499
S Duffy San Fran phone 15/5/03. Have just spoken at around 1pm with investor relations ERG Group S. Duffy, he states--what Cubic have done is filed a motion concerning misuse of taxpayers funds (this is a thing under Califirnia law) it does not affect ERG and MTC---MTC is quite happy to proceed with ERG---and deal with this matter (it and Cubic) on it's own. Cut a long story short it is not expected to delay San Francisco (Translink phase2) from proceeding as planned. Patterson address details Cubic 08/05/2003Expected Earnings Expected Earnings Announcements (approx) Release Date Quarter Ending 06/2003 08/05/2003 6th of August Australian time
86 88 90 92 94 96 98  100 102 104 106 108  110  112
low 29/7/03 92 vwap 95.51---volume Last 97vwap 95.51 vol= 3,037,541-29/7/03 46 million to ERG in the shorter term within two months of the 3/9/03 28.5 million (upon signing)--the remainder two instalments over six months--ERG currently has approximately--including the provision for 52.4m--42.5c cash per share--by November 3rd this will increase to 53.15c (28.5m adds 10.65408464876606242044272c cash per share--ultimately--in the mdeium to longer term even more--2 x cash equals 106.30--with a two month timeframe. By November 3rd--Lazio contract signed within two months of September 3rd--NTA should rise to 114.877100409056457918069543262793----115 rounded.
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