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Date Posted: 04:17:20 06/09/17 Fri
Author: Andras12 (happy)
In reply to: ALEX 's message, "Re: BANK INSTRUMENT MTN BG SBLC (Buying)" on 16:12:32 11/11/14 Tue

>Dear Sir.
>We have client that can buy ss cash back bg with the
>following procedure.
>(1.) Both Parties sign Contract. Then Seller issues
>Corporate Invoice to the Buyer, the Seller shall
>supply to the Buyer: All Euroclear Interbank screen
>access, blocking, settlement and transfer codes for
>the Buyer to complete this EUROCLEAR INTERBANK Screen,
>Block and Pay (DVP) transaction. Seller agrees that
>she will send CIS and Passport to the Buyer before the
>Buyer goes on screen with it fully executed.
>(2.) Upon review of the instrument on Euroclear
>Interbank screen and utilizing the blocking and
>release codes; The delivery of the Bank Guarantee
>shall be concluded electronically via Euroclear with
>free and clear transfer of title without liens and
>encumbrances, to enable the Buyer proceed to purchase
>the posted instrument from the Euroclear Interbank
>system. Buyer is to notify Seller that instrument has
>been blocked. Seller will have HSBC Bank Officer send
>a Confirmation Email to Buyers Bank Officer. Upon
>receiving the �Confirmation Email� Buyer will pay to
>the Seller the agreed purchase price. Buyer will
>settle by Fedwire/SWIFT MT103 transfer of funds,
>within 8 hours/same banking day of verifying and
>blocking of the instrument to the account(s) as stated
>in the Corporate Invoice issued by the Seller to the
>(3.) At the same time upon the Closing of this
>Invoice, Buyer is to send by email to the Seller a
>copy of the newly processed Euroclear Interbank
>screenshot confirming the transaction and a copy of
>receipt of Funds Transfer via MT 103. All Consulting
>Services Fee Agreement(s) shall be irrevocably paid as
>executed at the same time as this Invoice is paid
>for/settled via MT103 by the Buyer/Buyer�s Bank.
>(4.) Hard Copy via Bank Bonded Courier Delivery to be
>provided to Buyer Bank Address herein, within 7 days
>after payment.
>Second client need fresh cut bg for sale with the
>following procedure.
>1) After this MOU/Agreement is counter signed by both
>parties �(Seller and Buyer), Buyer Bank Officer send
>the bank an email or MT 999 or MT199 (Appendix-A) to
>the seller Bank Officer.
>2) As agreed between the Buyer and the Seller, the
>Seller (Provider) will have his respective Bank
>Officer deliver the above-named security, for Euro
>500,000,000.00 Face amount, as FREE and CLEAR to
>Buyers Banking coordinates provided below for
>Validation and Authentication.
>3) Payment will be transmitted on a T2 basis by Fed
>Wire settlement or by SWIFT MT -103, at Seller�s
>option as per Seller corporate invoice.
>4) Delivery mode: B2B or SWIFT MT 760 or other
>delivery mode as per B2B mutually agreed to Buyer
>accounts for same day payment (if delivery is before
>5) Both parties confirm that each is fully empowered,
>legally qualified and duly authorized to execute and
>deliver the bank instrument or funds, and to be bound
>by its terms and conditions
>Please do let us know if your interested to close it
>with us. capitalfinance.it@hotmail.com

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  • Re: BANK INSTRUMENT MTN BG SBLC (Buying) -- Andras12 (happy), 07:31:34 06/19/17 Mon
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