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Date Posted: 18:53:25 12/10/04 Fri
Author: Diamond
Subject: She looked up at him, picking up Greg and holding him to her chest as he nestled his dark head beneath her chin, his dark eyes on Fallon curiously. "Gabby had a doctors appointment and the twins are with my mom but she was going somewhere or other with them and needed me to watch him..." she explained quietly, her brow furrowed as she gazed to him - a little unsure of his reaction towards the child. It had been hard for her at first, even today when she saw Gabby so swollen with her baby, literally glowing with happiness....but she couldn't resist her little nephew, he was perfect and sweet and so cuddly...
In reply to: Diamond 's message, "
She's not just a pretty face
on 18:26:54 12/10/04 Fri

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  • He may have been cute and perfect and cuddly but he was not the little girl that Fallon had grown so attatched to, almost haunted by since she'd died. He took the towel away from his head, his lips pursed a little bit and nodded his understanding, watching the child as though it might explode at any moment, an unidentified bomb with more than enough opportunities to blow. He paused a moment longer, his dark eyes still on the baby, and then turned on his heel. "Let me get dressed." (NT) -- Fallon, 18:57:14 12/10/04 Fri
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