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Date Posted: 15:31:12 07/06/18 Fri
Further down you can find information about manipulative gender change of boys to girls going on within certain educative institutions,An assessment about the belief in a Holographic universe and discussion about this consept.
Learn about herbs to make sexual potency, ecstasy and pleasure for mwn and women and see smart sex products to enlarge and fortify erections, female functions, pleasure and orgasms
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Unmarked Governmental Vans Engaged in Child and Teen trafficking
By Knut Holt
Unmarked vans owned by the government are steadily more often seen at roads in USA and other coutries.
These have generally blackened windows and it is generally unable to look into them, except to some degree at the drivers cabin and in that cabin nothing especially interesting is to be seen, except that the driver and helpers wear some sort of military-like outfit, but with a neutral look.
Some of these are heavy duty vans, and are obviously transporting some material, possibly nuclear equipment for the military forces.
But the most interesting of these are trucks of a more moderate size, that usually drive in small columns. By appearance these seem more suited for transportation of people than technical equipment. The car models and the outfit of the cars are typicallly the same as that of ambulances.
The trucks may in fact be some kind of camoufaged ambulances, and if so, the persons being transported are most probably children or teenagers which are held deeply sedated or under general anesthesia. The child protective system each day transport children taken from parents to secret places, and this is a possible method of doing so.
They might also carry children taken hold of to use them as guinea pigs in governmental projects.
They might be young people having been declared braid dead, but with still living bodies, and possibly still living brains to, and are under transport to some clearing central for distribution of organs.
They might be children and teens being transported this way to governemental correction facilities or mental hospitals where they will be held secretly for a specific time.
Some of these trucks are possibly owned and operated by the National Guard, but still the National Guard may be on some mission for other governmental bodies, like the CPS or jouvenile correction system. Services like national guards and the like in any ountry tend to do services for other bodies when these other bodies require some security transportation service or the like.
This is a common feature in any society. You use your resources for several purposes, and especially security services work on orders from several other agencies, and especially agenies like child protective agenies or the like.
By Knut Holt
By the way. a lot of good advices about health, fitness and sexuality
Interesting polls about events in childhood, teenhood and adulthood
Collected, edited and analyzed by Knut Holt
Please also see his website with interesting information about alternative treatments, fitness and sex
You can use these polls to tell your own history or the history of someone you know about.
Alien abduction - investigation of memories of alien abduction or similar events
Memories of events that may be interpreted as alien abduction are quite common. Some may be from real abduction by non-human beings coming in strange flying vehicles.
Others may be actions done by governmental agencies or mafias for various purposes that have some of the same type of details.
Often one does not remember the abduction as such, but one remembers only some loose details during some kind of ordeal one has been subjected to.
I have made a poll to investigate these memories. If you have experienced something of the kind, please go to the poll and answar. All the answars will be lain out in the massage forum of the poll to be commented further upon.
The address of the poll:
Extended mandatory well-child examination under anesthesia:
In certain areas the health authorities has begun to subject children and teens to extended well-child physicals where one performs several or all of the following procedures: inspections with optical scopes through all or several body openings,ultrasound examinations of most body structures, x-ray taking of joints, EEG and EKG. The kid is often given sedation or even general anesthesia during these extended physicals to make the kid cooperative and to hinder him or her from remembering. Still the kid will remember a lot of details around the procedures and sometimes also from the procedures themselves, because anesthesia never works perfectly, and the kid will always have some symptoms afterwards that tell a lot of what has been done. This poll has the aim of investigating experiences from such ordeals.
Poll about cystoscopy:
By cystoscopy the doctor looks into your bladder with a long instrument. This instrument can be rigid like a stick or flexible. All age groups have cystoscopies. In some comunities a cystoscopy seem to be a mandatory exam at some ages of children and teens. These communities are probably not many yet, but this type of exam seem to increase in frequency, both for special purposes and for mandatory or recomended screening. This poll has the purpose of establishing a picture of the frequence of this type of exam in different age groups and the arrangements during the exam.
Secret medical exams and procedures under anesthesia:
There is growing indices pointing to a practice of doing secret exams and procedures on both children and adults in addition to the thing they are under anesthesia for. Such ordeals may be done for research, for trainging of medical students, ordered by child protective agencies, ordered by school health service, ordered by police or asked for by parents or relatives. This poll is to find out how common signs of such secret ordeals having been done are. This poll has beenlaunched in several sesseions.
Called in for a strange physical or psycological exam:
There is growing indices pointing to a practice of doing secret exams and procedures on both children and adults in addition to the thing they are under anesthesia for. Such ordeals may be done for research, for trainging of medical students, ordered by child protective agencies, ordered by school health service, ordered by police or asked for by parents or relatives. This poll is to find out how common signs of such secret ordeals having been done are.
All the polls also have a message board. The individual stories of each participant will be published here. Here you can add comments or ask questions.
Knut Holt
Please also see his website with interesting information about alternative treatments, fitness and sex
Unnecessary and Harmful Use of General Anesthesia and Medical Procedures on children and Teens
The fact is that general anesthesia easily injures the brain of kids and teens or gives psychological impairments, a well-known and well researched fact that is generally not talken about for patients and the general public.
In spite of this Many kids go through unnecessary procedures under general anesthesia nowadays, or general anesthesia is used where pain and discomfort can be taken away more easily with other means.
This means that a great percentage of the upgrowing population have got impairments due to general anesthesia,including learning impairments.
Tonsillectomy is an often unnecessary, procedure that is often done under general anesthesia. Tossillectomy can be performed with only local anesthesia, actually, even though one is told that general anesthesia is necessary.
With local anesthesia the surgery experience will be somewhat unpleasant or course, but with general anesthesia the side effect of anesthesia are equally or more unpleasant. The same holds for many procedures children are subjected to, for example circumcission, removal of birth marks, removal of lumps in he skin, dental surgeries and endoscopies in the pelvic zones.
One of the reasons general anesthesia is used so much on kids, is that the staff does not want that the kids and parents shall know what is going on, and because one often do things with the kids in addition to the surgery they do not want the kid and parents to know about.
One of these things are secret examinations of the intimate zones ordered by the child protective services. Another thing is using kids and adults for training of medical students. Students often train gynecological procedures on women under anesthesia, for example, and surely also pelvic endoscopies on kids. A third thing is using kids and adults for research.
If a procedure takes much longer time than expected, or one has strange symptoms in other parts of the body than that where surgery happens, something others has probably been done. Tonsil surgery takes around 1 hour, after which the patient should gradually wake up. This surgery is one of those where additionl things are most often done.
By Knut Holt
T0 find interesting information and products within the categories hobby, rc models, natural disease cures, fitness and sexuality, please see:
Sneaky Transformations of Boys to Girls - A New Kind of Child Abuse?
By Knut Holt
The following information seems unbelievable, but it has been obtained by interviews and conversations with a lot of people going through these ordeals and by comparing their stories to check consistence, so it is by all probability real.
Boys are steadily more often transformed to girls by a series of interventions. This kind of ordeal seems to occur in all parts of the world, including USA, UK and Canada. The interventions are typically done as a cooperation between three parts that each have specific interests in the process.
One part is the parents, or more often a single mother, that has the daily care for the boy. The incentives of the parents seem to be a wish to have a daughter with a slim body shape of the same kind boys often have, an aim of making a female ballet or gymnastic artist out of the boy, and economical compensation they get from the other two parts.
Another part is usually certain kind of educational institutions that have the interest of producing girls or women with a fairly small stature, slim body, extremely flexible joints and spine and a juvenile appearance, most typically ballet schools. It seems that boys selected for this form of transformation are given free place at the school.
The third part seems to be medical research institutes that use the procedures and the boys to do gender-related psychological and physiological experiments, to test out new pharmacological regimes and test out new surgical methods. These institutes seem to pay the educational institutions and possible the parents to get access to the boys. The boys also seem to be used as training objects for medical students.
The transformation is typically hided and done secretly for the boys themselves at the initial phases, by use of sedation or general anesthesia, and by letting the boy think medication they get are vitamin pills, vaccination shots or similar.
The transformation that often start at the age of 7-9 is typically done by these means:
- Stopping the puberty and some of the growth by hormone blocking medication through shots or oral pills pretended to be vitamin pills.
- Making his testicles and penis shrink by hormone blocking medication.
- Gradual building up inner female organs with a series of small surgical interventions through their penis and urethra, through heir anus or by needle-like instruments inserted into the lower stomach or scrotum. The interventions are done under anesthesia. The boys are usually told that they only go through some exam that all children have to go through or some other excuse is produced.
- Feminizing medication that works on the body and psychologically.
- Feminizing education and clothing regimes.
- Feminizing hypnotic interventions. The hypnotic interventions are often done under some degree of sedation.
- The psychological interventions also have the aim of making the boy believe that he is gradually changing to girl by himself and to wish to become a girl fully.
- At some point castration.
- At some point when the boy appear more like a girl than a boy, the final surgery is done, typically just before the normal puberty would have started, but sometimes later.
It is unclear if this kind of transformation will produce fully productive female sexual organs. Most doctors will say this is impossible. It seems however that the most advanced experiments done on these boys have this aim, since the former boys are able to menstruate when the transformation is done.
The interventions are typically done at special clinics or at special sections in a ballet school or other educational institutions. The day-school that the boy attend is usually also informed about he process and may participate. Many of these boys also attend special private day-schools that are more involved than ordinary public schools.
Since these ordeals typically begin without the knowledge and the consent of the boy, and since the long term medical outcome of such transformations are uncertain, one may ask if these ordeals are to be regarded as a kind of child abuse.
Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. To find information about fitness, health and sex, including more information about urinary and genital issues, and products to improve fitness, health and sexual life, please visit his web-site.
My knoledge is based on recent conversations with young that was going through this process or just went through it in Russia, Canada and UK and with some older persons from USA where the process begun but stopped for some reason.
Since it happeneds USA, it is quite possible it also happenes in countries politically tight connected with USA.
Most of these boys do not understand what is going on, before they see symptoms of the transformation, and even then they wonder what is going on with them and these often comne to message boards to ask if anybody outside understands what is going on.
My conversation are so recent that I am pretty sure it still is going on.
These boys, and usually also a brother live under thight social control, usually by the mother and the dance school, or a Montessory school with dance on the curriculum, so they have seldome a choise.
These boys are manipulated by drugs and psychological means in a way that makes them like what is going on and even give them am euphoria or sexual ecstacy during the handlings, so most of them do not even think if protesting. They are also manipulated by such means into a state of obedience. But still they are wondering what is going on.
I know that certain famous ballet schools, as Vaganova Ballet School and Perm Ballet School in Russia and Royal Ballet School in UK are involved and several less known schools in Canada.
Massivly involved are medical research organization and medical companies, and these are using the process the boys go throug to, try out new medications, new surgical techniques and to harvest tissue, These institutions are those paying for the process.
The process is pretended to be a sort of exam in the initial stages, and the boys are often manipulated to believe that these exams are something all children go through at frequent intervals so thay do not question it at the initial stages.
The typical exams and manipulation are done by endoscopic intervention through the urethra into the prostate area and bladder, much like a cystoscopy. After the exam the boy has a catheter installed for hours or days.
Endoscopic processes through the anus is also done. It looks like they reshape the lower digestive system, using inflatable balloons or the like inside their stomach during this part.
Sometimes the boy is placed in an intensive care unit with catheter, IVs, anal tube and monitoring equipment thereafter, and often with the legs fixed in special positionsb y means of stirrups and other devices.
During this process the boy will often need daily help with body functions by means of enemas, bowel flushing, bladder flushing or catheters also in the periods beteen the exams.
Especially from the past, I have reports of these processes getting stopped, which render the boy with reduced genitals and alternations in the Urethra and the lower digestive system, but still they get into manhood with these alternetions that may not give any problems or give functional problems for sexual functions or urination and bowel movements.
Knut Holt
A Discussion about the Holographic Universe About Claims in Youtube-Video
Knut Holt
What they essentially say is that the whole Universe is equal to a black hole with all its information smeared around its boundary. I think this is nonsense, even though it might be predicted by a blind use of mathematics, and ignoring the differences between a black wole and a Universe. I do not even think it is true about black holes, even though the boundary might have room for all the information mathematically. I do not believe in singularities , even though I believe in black holes. I think that inside black holes, general relativity and quantum mechanics as we know it is not any longer valid., just like the simple state equation of gasses is not any more valid when you press the gas enough together, and for analogous reasons.?
Will to Power
For 2 dager siden
So a good thing you could do is actually study the subjects instead of adhering to whatever you find appealing. It's clear through the comment you made that you don't understand any of those subjects, specifically being those pertaining to black holes. So a good place to start -- instead of the holographic principle, which again you got wrong... Start off with basic things like special relativity. It takes an afternoon to understand SR, so start with that. Don't jump to black holes unless you enjoy being confused.?
Will to Power
For 6 timer siden
I can see how singularities might bother you, but the holographic principle is a perfectly valid geometric consequence. There is nothing that would suppose this model is not reliable. I would suggest you learn the subject first before dismissing it because it's only going to keep sounding preposterous to you until you examine it. When you make judgements on subjects you don't fully comprehend, it tends to be called bias and willing ignorance. That's something we all need to watch out for, Knut Holt.
This video you've watched here is for young audiences who don't understand the theories and only want the surface description of the subject, which only leads to false analogies and grave misinterpretations. I don't expect anyone physics savvy to actually use this video as anything but a pastime for their child. Almost all YouTube videos of physics are for the unexposed, and only set a preliminary for what you should be doing; that being the actual theories. Then feel free to come to a conclusion and by all means deny it if it doesn't hold weight to you. But it will. Things like singularities and general relativity as a whole tend to be easier to accept when you do the math and understand the concepts. That's how it tends to be with anything that isn't axiomatic in origin. I'm not trying to be snide, but I just want you to get the best result of your judgements because right now you are assuming a lot. No es bueno. I remember when I heard of string theory and I thought, "Okay but it predicts everything, so why bother?" Well then after years of studying quantum mechanics -- Oh, it turns out that the colloquial, surface explanation of an advanced subject is incredibly misleading and does more harm to the theory than good. I presuppose all the time too, and I welcome when someone corrects me, so again, I apologize. I'm trying to help/correct you.?
Knut Holt
For 15 timer siden
I already know special relativity and the basic principles of GR. It also seems logical that the amount of properties, here misleading called information, is not lost. But when the mathematical framework predicts the totally extreme, i think this is a symptoms that this framework is not valid in all means. Singularities are such an absurdity, so also a holographic universe. Besides that these guys represent a sect within physics that pretend to be representative of all this science, which they are not.?
Knut Holt
Knut Holt
For 4 timer siden
I will not deny that this principle cannot be derived from the observations and the current mathematical framework, but only by ignoring logical facts this framework does not contain. I simply think the framework is only an approximation, and therefore the more extreme consequences must be dismissed. And honestly, I do not think you try to help me. Rather my stance is obviously threat to your position, and therefor you attack me, pretending to be friendly and supportive. That is utter falsehood. Besides that, my logic is quite clear. When I do not believe that the math is without faults, learning the math to perfectness will not make me less critic.
And if their analogies to what they know or mean to know are so bad, it had certainly been easy to explain it more accurately. And if they cannot do so, they have really not understood the facts themselves, but are only good at twirling with mathematical equation and repeating with some parables what comes out.?
Will to Power
Will to Power
For 19 minutter siden
What "ultimate theory"? Yes, science is about creating models that are accurate to describing given phenomena, changing with the new evidence presented. If the new evidence goes against that given model, then the model has to be changed or, if necessary, rework it all. To that though, everything is an approximation to reality as there's always uncertainty. I never made a claim about absolute truth, only a criticism on your methodology of attaining information correctly and objectively.
You're claiming that information isn't lost therefore the holographic pricinple must be wrong. What the hell are you talking about. The holographic principle defines information of a bulk region is no different than the boundary encompassing that region. The point of the holographic principle shows that you don't lose information as long as it's within that caulsal sheet.
If you don't take mathematics as a serious tool in physics and science as a whole, then you clearly are not a properly equipped person in objectively defining reality. I think Spirit Science might be better for you. Or the Electric Universe, where all they do is deny consensus because the math is too abstract. Cheers.?
Knut Holt
Everybody that are as learned as you obviously claims yourself to be m and claims me not to be, knows that the mathematical framework of GR and QM are only approximation to the ultimate theory. You cannot trust blindly the result you can squeeze out of such approximations when they are applied to extreme conditions, especially if they contradict basic logic. Therefor I do not believe in singularities and the holographic universe. But I find it logical that information is not lost and that fact must of course have some implications. It is symptomatic that you do not even touch my argument regarding the state of the mathematical framework. Thereoff I deduce that you really do not understand anything of it, even though you might be able to play with he equations.?
Will to Power
Will to Power
For 1 time siden (redigert)
All I'm saying is that you should try to be a bit more self aware with how you learn things. For science, anything higher than special relativity, I'd probably not use YouTube general public science videos as a resource. Is that not good advice? You can point to any black hole video for instance and I can more than likely point out a mistake they made.
If you don't want to learn in an efficient way, then be as unenthused as you can be going into other said topics. *Thumbs up*?
"...threat to your position..." What position am I taking? Consensus??
Knut Holt
Knut Holt
For 51 minutter siden
Everybody that are as learned as you obviously claims yourself to be m and claims me not to be, knows that the mathematical framework of GR and QM are only approximation to the ultimate theory. You cannot trust blindly the result you can squeeze out of such approximations when they are applied to extreme conditions, especially if they contradict basic logic. Therefor I do not believe in singularities and the holographic universe. But I find it logical that information is not lost and that fact must of course have some implications. It is symptomatic that you do not even touch my argument regarding the state of the mathematical framework. Thereoff I deduce that you really do not understand anything of it, even though you might be able to play with he equations.?
Will to Power
Will to Power
For 19 minutter siden
What "ultimate theory"? Yes, science is about creating models that are accurate to describing given phenomena, changing with the new evidence presented. If the new evidence goes against that given model, then the model has to be changed or, if necessary, rework it all. To that though, everything is an approximation to reality as there's always uncertainty. I never made a claim about absolute truth, only a criticism on your methodology of attaining information correctly and objectively.
You're claiming that information isn't lost therefore the holographic pricinple must be wrong. What the hell are you talking about. The holographic principle defines information of a bulk region is no different than the boundary encompassing that region. The point of the holographic principle shows that you don't lose information as long as it's within that caulsal sheet.
If you don't take mathematics as a serious tool in physics and science as a whole, then you clearly are not a properly equipped person in objectively defining reality. I think Spirit Science might be better for you. Or the Electric Universe, where all they do is deny consensus because the math is too abstract. Cheers.
Knut Holt
For 1 sekund siden
What I said is that I agree with what those persons and also you say that information is not lost,. So far I agree. But I do not think that lead to the necessity of claiming the Universe is governed by a holographic principle. I did not say that I do not trust mathematics as long as the framework is accurate. But we know that the current framework of GR and QM have fault. Such faults may not be a great disadvantage when they are used withing certain limits, but they will surely lead to wrong results when used to predict extremes.?
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