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Date Posted: 08:56:21 08/23/03 Sat
Author: Juice
Subject: Thoughts on the Hend. Co. Game??

What are some of the thoughts on the Hend. Co. game this past Friday night? I was really skeptical coming into the game. I knew Hend. Co. had a really tough team and I was just hoping the Knights could compete. I believe that they were ranked #4 in Kentucky, is that correct? I thought the game might be a blowout for Hend. Co. However, the Knights really impressed me during their first game under coach Coverdale.

Did the mutliple formation sets confuse Hend. Co. during the first half when the Knights put up 24 points? What type of defensive changes did Hend. Co. make to limit the Knights on offense in the send half? The failed 4th down conversion at their 25 yrd line, and when Hend. Co. used at 13 play drive to score, seemed to be a real blow to the Knights. The paper said that Billick ended up with 260 yds. passing and 85 yards rushing...is that correct? Wow, when was the last time Castle had a QB that put up those kind of numbers?

Eventhough the Knights started off with a loss, I really feel that they have something to build on. They need to find a way to eliminate the turnovers during the second half (I believe 3 of which resulted in H.C. touchdowns). Nevertheless, the Knights really found out that they can play with the top teams of the area. What are some thoughts of other Knight fans?

Richmond (next weeks opponent) got beat by E. Central 35-14. Good job Knights and good luck next week against Richmond!!

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