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Date Posted: 07:14:15 09/02/03 Tue
Author: Juice
Subject: What are the best websites??
In reply to: SYK 's message, "Kipp" on 21:09:21 09/01/03 Mon

> Hey I got nothin against Kipp. Although I heard
>he had a negative comment or two about this website.
>But everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
> All I can tell you guys is that this site has no
>budget, I maintain it whenever I have spare time from
>school, and no one helps me or works for me.
>Castlefootball.com has a few photographers that take
>pictures for Mrs. Coverdale, which probably works out
>great for her, because she wants to sit in the stands
>and watch her husband coach. Also, owning a website
>domain name and having it hosted costs Money. I owned
>castlefootball.com two years ago and nobody ever went
>to the site so I decided it was worthless to keep the
>domain name. I'm glad Mrs. Coverdale picked it up,
>because she has done a tremendous job with the
>website. I mean it is considered one of, if not "THE"
>premiere high school football website in the state.

While I think castlefootball.com is a great site it is still in its infancy. My pick for the state's top high school website is jimtownfootball.com. While it is not the most visually attractive as castlefootball.com, it has to be considered one of the best. From a pure information and statisical perspective it IS the best with season and individual game information dating back to the late 70's!!

What other high school football sites do people think are good?


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